1 # Mattermost Bot module.
2 # Copyright (c) 2016-2022 by Someone <someone@somenet.org> (aka. Jan Vales <jan@jvales.net>)
3 # published under MIT-License
7 from inspect import cleandoc
10 # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
11 from AbstractCommand import AbstractCommand
12 class CommandFSInfAccess(AbstractCommand):
13 TRIGGER = "fsinf-access"
14 CONFIG = {"display_name": "somebot-command", "auto_complete": True,
15 "auto_complete_hint": "'out-out'|'opt-in' [<channel_id>]|'sync'",
17 CONFIG["auto_complete_desc"] = CONFIG["description"] = AbstractCommand.ICON_PUBLIC+"Manage fsinf-channel auto-joins. [FSINF]"
20 def __init__(self, team_id, managed_teams, fsinf_intern_channelid, fsinf_teams_and_channels, datadir):
21 super().__init__(team_id)
23 self.managed_teams = managed_teams
24 self.fsinf_intern_channelid = fsinf_intern_channelid
25 self.fsinf_teams_and_channels = fsinf_teams_and_channels
26 self.datadir = datadir
29 def on_POST(self, request, data):
30 self._require_in_channel(self.fsinf_intern_channelid, data) # will throw an exception if not. (Dont try-except: Its handled up the stack.)
32 # load and merge data on first use.
33 self.fsinf_teams_and_channels = self._load_and_merge_optout_data(self.datadir+"./optout.json", self.fsinf_teams_and_channels)
35 msg_text = data['text'].strip().split(" ", 1)
36 if msg_text[0].strip() == 'opt-out':
37 if data['team_id'] in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels and data['channel_id'] in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[data['team_id']]:
38 self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[data['team_id']][data['channel_id']] = sorted(list(set(self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[data['team_id']][data['channel_id']] + [data['user_id']])))
39 self._store_optout_data(self.datadir+"./optout.json", self.fsinf_teams_and_channels)
40 request.respond_cmd_temp("## :white_check_mark: Success! :)\n#### Now leave this channel manually.")
43 request.respond_cmd_err("``/"+self.TRIGGER+"`` Trying to opt-out from an unmanaged channel.")
46 elif msg_text[0].strip() == 'opt-in' and len(msg_text) == 1:
48 for team, to_unpack in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels.items():
49 for channel, excluded in to_unpack.items():
50 if data['user_id'] in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[team][channel]:
51 optout_list += [channel]
53 request.respond_cmd_temp("#### You have opted-out from these channels:\n"+"\n +".join([cid+" ("+self.bot.api.get_channel(cid)["name"]+")" for cid in optout_list]))
56 request.respond_cmd_temp("#### You have not opted-out from any channels.")
59 elif msg_text[0].strip() == 'opt-in' and len(msg_text) > 1:
61 chan_id = msg_text[1].strip()
62 for team, to_unpack in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels.items():
63 if chan_id in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[team]:
65 if data['user_id'] in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[team][chan_id]:
66 newset = set(self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[team][chan_id])
67 newset.remove(data['user_id'])
68 self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[team][chan_id] = sorted(list(newset))
69 self._store_optout_data(self.datadir+"./optout.json", self.fsinf_teams_and_channels)
71 request.respond_cmd_err("``/"+self.TRIGGER+"`` You have not opted-out from this channel.")
75 request.respond_cmd_temp("## :white_check_mark: Success! :)\n#### Run ``/"+self.TRIGGER+" sync`` to apply the changes.")
78 request.respond_cmd_err("``/"+self.TRIGGER+"`` Trying to opt-in to an unmanaged or unknown channel.")
81 elif msg_text[0].strip() == 'sync':
82 fsinf_intern_userids = set([u["user_id"] for u in self.bot.api.get_channel_members(self.fsinf_intern_channelid)])
83 all_users = {u["id"]:u["username"] for u in self.bot.api.get_users()}
85 request.respond_cmd_temp("## :white_check_mark: Success! :)\n#### Sync started. See ~debug for details.")
87 dbg_post = self.bot.debug_chan(cleandoc("""
88 ## ``/fsinf-access sync``
89 These accounts were detected to be fsinf-intern by being in ~off-topic:
90 ``"""+str(sorted([all_users[u] for u in fsinf_intern_userids]))+"""``
92 Adding active fsinf accounts to these teams (and granting TEAM_ADMIN permissions) and channels unless opted-out:
94 """)+"\n"+pprint.pformat({self.bot.api.get_team(tid)["name"]:{self.bot.api.get_channel(cid)["name"]:uids for cid,uids in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels[tid].items()} for tid in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels})+"\n"+cleandoc("""
99 # join into teams + make team admins
100 for user_id in fsinf_intern_userids:
101 for _, t in self.managed_teams.items():
102 self.bot.api.add_user_to_team(t[0], user_id, exc=False)
103 self.bot.api.update_team_members_scheme_roles(t[0], user_id, {"scheme_user": True, "scheme_admin": True}, exc=False)
105 # join into special channels
106 for team_id, chan_ids in self.fsinf_teams_and_channels.items():
107 for chan_id, excluded_user_ids in chan_ids.items():
108 if not user_id in excluded_user_ids:
109 self.bot.api.add_user_to_channel(chan_id, user_id, exc=False)
111 self.bot.debug_chan("## :white_check_mark: Success! :)", root_id=dbg_post['id'])
114 def _load_and_merge_optout_data(self, path, to_merge_with):
116 merged = to_merge_with.copy()
117 with open(path, "r") as f:
118 stored_data = json.load(f)
119 for team, to_unpack in to_merge_with.items():
120 for channel, excluded in to_unpack.items():
121 if team in stored_data and channel in stored_data[team]:
122 merged[team][channel] = sorted(list(set(merged[team][channel]+stored_data[team][channel])))
128 def _store_optout_data(self, path, data):
129 with open(path, "w") as f:
130 json.dump(data, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
131 self.bot.debug_chan("``/fsinf-access`` optout.json updated.")