1 # Mattermost Bot module.
2 # Copyright (c) 2016-2022 by Someone <someone@somenet.org> (aka. Jan Vales <jan@jvales.net>)
3 # published under MIT-License
7 # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
8 from AbstractCommand import AbstractCommand
9 class CACommandModDelNowNotifyAuthor(AbstractCommand):
10 TRIGGER = "mod-del-now-notify-author"
11 CONFIG = {"display_name": "somebot-command", "auto_complete": True,
12 "auto_complete_hint": "<permalink> <reason>",
14 CONFIG["auto_complete_desc"] = CONFIG["description"] = AbstractCommand.ICON_DM+"Delete permalinked post immediately and notify author. Run in same channel. [CHANNEL_ADMIN]"
17 def on_POST(self, request, data):
18 self._require_channel_admin(data) # will throw an exception if not. (Dont try-except: Its handled up the stack.)
20 msg_text = data['text'].strip().split(" ", 1)
22 if len(msg_text) == 1:
23 request.respond_cmd_err("``/"+self.TRIGGER+"`` It seems like you did not supply any reason-text.")
26 if len(msg_text[1]) > 15000:
27 request.respond_cmd_err("``/"+self.TRIGGER+"`` reason-text must be smaller than 15000 characters :(\nYour text is: "+str(len(msg_text[1]))+" characters long.")
31 splitpath = msg_text[0].strip().strip("/").split("/")
32 if splitpath[4] == "pl":
33 post = self.bot.api.get_post(splitpath[5])
35 request.respond_cmd_err("``/"+self.TRIGGER+"`` The first parameter is not a valid post-permalink or the permalinked post has been deleted.")
38 if post["channel_id"] != data["channel_id"]:
39 request.respond_cmd_err("``/"+self.TRIGGER+"`` Must be executed in the same channel as the permalinked post.")
43 self.bot.api.delete_post(post["id"])
44 channel = self.bot.api.create_dm_channel_with(post["user_id"])
45 self.bot.api.create_post(channel["id"], "Im sorry to inform you that your post in ``"+data["team_domain"]+"::"+data["channel_name"]+"`` has been deleted, for the following reason\n\n----\n\n"+msg_text[1]+"\n\n----\n\nYour post:\n```\n"+post["message"]+"\n```\n")
46 self.bot.debug_chan("``/"+self.TRIGGER+" "+data["text"].strip()+"`` used by ``@"+data["user_name"]+"`` in ``"+data["team_domain"]+"::"+data["channel_name"]+"``")
47 request.respond_cmd_temp("## :white_check_mark: Success! :)")