1 \newpage\section{Questions (12 points)}
2 \subsection{How and when did Mr. Smith and Mr. Mayer communicate? (2 point)}
3 \begin{center}\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| l | l | l | l | l | X | }
4 \hline source & service & timestamp & from & to & content\\
5 \hline IPBA & skype message & 27-11-2012 12:20:00 & Smith & Mayer & Auth\_Request Hallo! Ich würde Sie gerne in meine Skype-Kontaktlistaufnehmen. Johannes Smith\\
6 \hline ANDRO & eMail & 2012-11-27 13:03:02 & Mayer & Smith & Re: current stocks!\\
7 \hline ANDRO & dropbox & 2012-11-27 16:08:24 & Mayer & Smith & shared folder confidential\\
8 \hline IPBA & skype message & 2012-12-06 13:20:33 & Mayer & Smith & Auth\_Granted\\
9 \hline IPBA & call & 2012-12-06 14:35:38 & Mayer & Smith & duration 0:01:15\\
10 \hline IPBA & call & 2012-12-06 16:00:10 & Smith & Mayer & duration 0:00:17 No corresponding entry on ANDRO.\\
11 \hline IPBA & sms & 2012-12-06 16:20:46 & Mayer & Smith & Ich habe wichtige Informationen über unseren letzten deal für dich. Ruf dich später an, wenn ich ungestört bin.\\
12 \hline IPBA & call & 2012-12-06 16:25:30 & Smith & Mayer & duration 0:00:00\\
13 \hline IPBA & call & 2012-12-06 16:26:11 & Smith & Mayer & duration 0:00:00 (ANDRO: duration 0:00:13)\\
14 \hline IPBA & sms & 2012-12-06 16:30:43 & Smith & Mayer & Sicherer kanal wär besser ....\\
15 \hline IPBA & viber call & 2012-12-06 16:31:57 & Mayer & Smith & duration 0:01:11\\
16 \hline IPBA & skype message & 2012-12-06 16:33:53 & Smith & Mayer & "Hallo"\\
17 \hline ANDRO & viber call & 2012-12-06 16:35:14 & Smith & Mayer & duration 0:00:00. No corresponding entry on IPBA. \\
18 \hline IPBA & sms & 2012-12-06 16:36:26 & Smith & Mayer & Hallo, ich empfehle dir den WhatsApp Messenger für Android, iPhone, Nokia, BlackBerry und Windows Phone auf http://whatsapp.com/dl/\\
19 \hline IPBA & sms & 2012-12-06 16:42:50 & Mayer & Smith & Viel zu unsicher, hab mir vor kurzem einen ganz tollen vortrag darüber angehört...\\
20 \hline IPBA & sms & 2012-12-06 16:45:19 & Mayer & Smith & Ich hab von einem kollegen wichtige informationen. Ruf dich an\\
21 \hline IPBA & call & 2012-12-06 16:45:36 & Mayer & Smith & duration 0:00:21\\
23 \end{tabularx}\end{center}
25 Some inconsistencies between the phones' data could hint at one or both parties owning one more device that was not analyzed.
28 \subsection{What information was exchanged between Mr. Smith and Mr. Mayer? (3 points)}
29 Mayer shared a folder called called \emph{\textbf{confidential}} with Smith over Dropbox.\\
30 The invitation eMail contains the URL to that folder (\url{https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vynk4jf4tghe88d/
32 The folder is publicly accessible so it was possible to extract its contents.
34 \item\emph{\textbf{2012-11-27 14.31.56.png}}\\iPhone screenshot from some flightplan App, shows a number of flights departing Vienna shortly after 1700 (among those, two flights from Vienna to Paris)
35 \item\emph{\textbf{Homer-Simpson-Butt-Wide-Load.png}}\\Snapshot of from an episode of The Simpsons showing Homer with \textbf{Wide Load} written across his back.
36 \item\emph{\textbf{Stocks-watch.jpg}}\\A key lying on a newspaper with a headline beginning with \textbf{Investing}
37 \item\emph{\textbf{stocks.jpg}}\\Smaller version of \emph{\textbf{IPBA::IMG\_0005.JPG}} from the iPhone backup.
41 \subsection{Can you find any evidence or hints that support the suspicion of insider trade? (3 points)}
42 No hard evidence was found.\\
43 The fact that both parties looked up stock trading sites could hint at that. Also some not too suspicious images were exchanged.\\
44 Mayer communicates with Ernst Strasser while Smith communicates with Karl Heinz Grasser.\\
45 Obviously because of the Unschuldsvermutung neither Mayer nor Smith could even remotely be connected with insider trading *scnr*
48 \subsection{Was the person that the witness identified really Mr. Mayer? (2 points)}
49 As Mayer was in Paris on Friday, 7th of December 2012, late afternoon it seems unlikely that a witness saw them.\\
50 Unless of course Mayer and Smith met in Paris which could be hinted at by the \emph{\textbf{2012-11-27 14.31.56.png}} in the dropbox-directory and the witness too was in Paris at that time.
53 \subsection{Mr. Mayer seems to have more secrets than initially expected. What is his big secret? (2 points)}
54 It looks like Mayer is married to Mrs. Ilse Mayer-Brandl (profile: \url{https://www.facebook.com/ilse.mayerbrandl}) and has an affair with Laura Markovic (\url{https://www.facebook.com/laura.markovic.129}).
59 \newpage\section{iPhone}
60 \subsection{Source: iPhone.tar.gz (IPBA)}
61 iPhone backup image from Allegro Mayer's Phone. The extracted files were analysed with iP Backup Analyzer2.
63 \textbf{size}: 6775181 byte\\
64 \textbf{''file''-output}: gzip compressed data, last modified: Fri Dec 14 11:42:54 2012, from Unix\\
65 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
66 ff746e574a0d668e1d82c3ff72501a75eabe642e1dee7f20d3d74b9fe72054f9\\
67 9b9a91ded1b3f98067a63065423c620c73c42c65e13c3b110424854b3e7f6678}
72 The contacts-db was extracted from \emph{\textbf{IPBA::Home Domain:Library/AddressBook/AddressBook.sqlitedb}}
74 \textbf{size}: 87040 byte\\
75 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
76 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
77 450e49183cc8781577f0c57a91a8a40f604ac2d3621037467f80745850b5613b\\
78 8c0492724930e90552c671a5f81e20b7f88e5cfd175fe6718eab350b2f3dbc90}
82 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{ | l | r | }
83 \hline Name & Phone \\
84 \hline <None> & +436603169718 \\
85 \hline Laura Markovic & 0680 3303660 \\
86 \hline Sabine Oberhuber & +436604413637 \\
87 \hline Johannes Smith & +43 660 5166042 \\
88 \hline Ernst Strasser & 0660 4394199 \\
90 \end{tabular}\end{center}
94 The call-log was extracted from \emph{\textbf{IPBA::Wireless Domain:Library/Callhistory/call\_history.db}}
96 \textbf{size}: 12288 byte\\
97 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
98 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
99 4cf477e649e9fc868183667489222e3e48cba5e2925423bc8dcdb51783c9b9b6\\
100 47fc184518b06e8a2b44f7c1e0fc746058eaf0b23a462870b380ea6f7354b6e1}
104 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{| l | l | l | l | l | }
105 \hline date & to/from & Phonenumber & name & duration (sec)\\
106 \hline 2012-12-06 13:35:38 & to & 06603169718 & <None> & 75\\
107 \hline 2012-12-06 14:02:20 & to & 06803303660 & Laura Markovic & 0\\
108 \hline 2012-12-06 14:03:02 & from & +436605969364 & & 23\\
109 \hline 2012-12-06 14:08:34 & to & 0660303010 & & 0\\
110 \hline 2012-12-06 14:10:02 & to & 0660303030 & & 1181\\
111 \hline 2012-12-06 15:17:05 & to & 0660303030 & & 1023\\
112 \hline 2012-12-06 15:34:30 & to & 0660303030 & & 864\\
113 \hline 2012-12-06 16:00:10 & from & +436605166042 & Johannes Smith & 17\\
114 \hline 2012-12-06 16:08:02 & to & 06604394199 & Ernst Strasser & 9\\
115 \hline 2012-12-06 16:25:30 & from & +436605166042 & Johannes Smith & 0\\
116 \hline 2012-12-06 16:26:11 & from & +436605166042 & Johannes Smith & 0\\
117 \hline 2012-12-06 16:34:39 & to & 06604394199 & Ernst Strasser & 6\\
118 \hline 2012-12-06 16:34:52 & to & 06604394199 & Ernst Strasser & 12\\
119 \hline 2012-12-06 16:35:10 & to & 06604394199 & Ernst Strasser & 23\\
120 \hline 2012-12-06 16:45:36 & to & +436605166042 & Johannes Smith & 21\\
122 \end{tabular}\end{center}
125 \subsection{SMS/iMessage}
126 The SMS-Database was extracted from \emph{\textbf{IPBA::Home Domain:Library/SMS/sms.db}}
128 \textbf{size}: 41984 byte\\
129 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
130 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
131 6fa73f676ca04eed70f10b8286c884ebcc5c01073bbdd8128ba26f676c7a6212\\
132 793f944999a9331fb990ef8e5dd5420b9d758b8456cb7b6f9f577bb8098cfafa}
137 \begin{center}\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| l | l | X | l | X | }
138 \hline date & from/to & number & service & text\\
139 \hline 2012-12-06 16:17:20 & from & Viber & SMS & Your Viber code is: 9386 Close this message and enter the code into Viber to activate your account.\\
140 \hline 2012-12-06 16:20:46 & to & +436603169718 <None> & SMS & Ich habe wichtige Informationen über unseren letzten deal für dich. Ruf dich später an, wenn ich ungestört bin\\
141 \hline 2012-12-06 16:30:43 & to & +436603169718 <None> & SMS & Sicherer kanal wär besser ....\\
142 \hline 2012-12-06 16:33:58 & to & +436604413637 & iMessage & Hi wie gehts? Treffen wir und mal auf einen drink?\\
143 \hline 2012-12-06 16:36:26 & from & +436605166042 Johannes Smith & SMS & Hallo, ich empfehle dir den WhatsApp Messenger für Android, iPhone, Nokia, BlackBerry und Windows Phone auf http://whatsapp.com/dl/\\
144 \hline 2012-12-06 16:42:50 & to & +436605166042 Johannes Smith & SMS & Viel zu unsicher, hab mir vor kurzem einen ganz tollen vortrag darüber angehört...\\
145 \hline 2012-12-06 16:45:19 & to & +436605166042 Johannes Smith & SMS & Ich hab von einem kollegen wichtige informationen. Ruf dich an\\
147 \end{tabularx}\end{center}
150 \subsection{Calendar}
151 The Calendar-Database was extracted from \emph{\textbf{IPBA::Home Domain:Library/Calendar/Calendar.sqlitedb}}
153 \textbf{size}: 126976 byte\\
154 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
155 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
156 bcb14cbb2df068bf6905f3383c0bade056a0f1188aa9606dbe639e4d11f32a5d\\
157 79dee3f3fdf4ac6eb7581c6a4c6c46f0620cf6e49f46567a40870e13926cc3af}
161 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{| l | l | l | l | }
162 \hline event & start & end & location\\
163 \hline Paris geschäftsreise & 2012-12-07 14:00:00 & 2012-12-09 19:00:00 & Paris\\
164 \hline Meeting & 2012-12-10 10:00:00 & 2012-12-10 11:00:00 & Zbank\\
165 \hline Nordic walking & 2012-12-11 07:00:00 & 2012-12-11 07:30:00 & \\
166 \hline Statusmeeting & 2012-12-11 08:00:00 & 2012-12-11 12:00:00 & \\
168 \end{tabular}\end{center}
172 The plist \emph{\textbf{IPBA::HomeDomain:Library/Safari/History.plist}} opened with IPBA2 plist-viewer cointains the browser history.
174 \begin{center}\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| l | X | X |}
175 \hline timestamp & title & url \\
176 \hline 2012-12-07 09:03:15 & Flughafen Wien - Abflüge - Offen für neue Horizonte & https://www.google.at/url?sa=t\&source=web\&cd=3\&ved=0CD0QjBAwAg\&url=http\%3A\%2F\%2Fwww.viennaairport.com\%2Fjart\%2Fprj3\%2Fva\%2Fmain.jart\%3Frel\%3Dde\%26content-id\%3D1249344074230\%26reserve-mode\%3Dactive\&ei=jLDBULjlB8bE4gTn-oGABw\&usg=AFQjCNHU5R5b3WsiOhYSIsli3inGLTEFGQ\\
177 \hline 2012-12-07 09:02:03 & flughafen wien - Google-Suche & https://www.google.at/search?q=flughafen+wien\&ie=UTF-8\&oe=UTF-8\&hl=de\&client=safari\\
178 \hline 2012-12-07 09:01:54 & Laura Markovic & https://m.facebook.com/laura.markovic.129?\_\_user=100004760941674\\
179 \hline 2012-12-06 16:14:19 & RNS News - London Stock Exchange & http://m.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/mobile/news/detail.html?announcementId=11421386\\
180 \hline 2012-12-06 16:14:14 & FTSE AIM 100 - London Stock Exchange & http://m.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/mobile/indices/summary.html?index=AIM1\\
181 \hline 2012-12-06 16:14:07 & Homepage - London Stock Exchange & https://www.google.at/url?sa=t\&source=web\&cd=1\&ved=0CEQQFjAA\&url=http\%3A\%2F\%2Fm.londonstockexchange.com\%2Fexchange\%2Fmobile\%2Fhomepage.html\&ei=ScTAUPK8FMfKtAaQq4GYBQ\&usg=AFQjCNE22q6svVgMrwz\_D7x-iD0srW0nTw\\
182 \hline 2012-12-06 16:14:00 & stock exchange london - Google-Suche & https://www.google.at/search?q=stock+exchange+london\&ie=UTF-8\&oe=UTF-8\&hl=de\&client=safari\\
183 \hline 2012-12-06 16:10:22 & Ohne Anstehen: Tickets Eiffelturm \& Rundgang Rive Droite, | Mobil - GetYourGuide.com & http://www.getyourguide.de/paris-l16/ohne-anstehen-tickets-eiffelturm-rundgang-rive-droite-t25185/\#calendar\\
184 \hline 2012-12-06 16:10:03 & Ohne Anstehen: Tickets Eiffelturm \& Rundgang Rive Droite, | Mobil - GetYourGuide.com & http://www.getyourguide.de/paris-l16/ohne-anstehen-tickets-eiffelturm-rundgang-rive-droite-t25185/\\
185 \hline 2012-12-06 16:09:56 & Paris: Touren, Ausflüge \& Aktivitäten | Mobil - GetYourGuide.com & https://www.google.at/aclk?sa=l\&ai=Cw0lOT8PAUNn8BIaX0wXeoYHwD43W1e0EldC\_uXSaooQJCAAQAiD4mYsSKAJQw5HQuPv\_\_\_\_\_AWCpsL6AzAGgAYutzM0DyAEBqQJiko-yhe21PqoEIk\_QmH99e-Hnj0NaSGjzY1ceX0oZt9LcfH\_ckQNETkSVs7yABZfgvAvYBgI\&sig=AOD64\_3cmbdhf4eRcAjv\_a9FMrltcGuHTA\&ved=0CC0Q0Qw\&adurl=http://21.xg4ken.com/media/redir.php\%3Fprof\%3D89\%26camp\%3D65425\%26affcode\%3Dkw720159\%26inhURL\%3D\%26cid\%3D31229666013\%26networkType\%3Dsearch\%26url\%5B\%5D\%3Dhttp\%253A\%252F\%252Fwww.getyourguide.de\%252Fparis\%252Fsightseeing-touren-ltc16-2\%252F\%253Fpartner\_id\%253DCD951\\
186 \hline 2012-12-06 16:09:50 & paris sightseeing - Google-Suche & https://www.google.at/search?q=paris+sightseeing\&ie=UTF-8\&oe=UTF-8\&hl=de\&client=safari\\
187 \hline 2012-12-06 16:08:58 & Laura Markovic & https://m.facebook.com/laura.markovic.129?\_\_user=100004760941674\#!/laura.markovic.129?\_\_user=100004760941674\&soft=jewel\%3D2\\
188 \hline 2012-12-06 16:08:49 & Facebook & https://m.facebook.com/home.php?refid=9\#!/laura.markovic.129?\_\_user=100004760941674\\
189 \hline 2012-12-06 13:56:39 & Facebook & http://m.facebook.com/?refsrc=http\%3A\%2F\%2Fwww.facebook.com\%2F\&\_rdr\#!/home.php?refsrc=http\%3A\%2F\%2Fwww.facebook.com\%2F\&soft=side-area\&\_\_user=100004760941674\\
190 \hline 2012-12-06 13:55:36 & Facebook & http://facebook.com/\\
191 \hline 2012-12-06 13:51:26 & Facebook & https://m.facebook.com/home.php?refid=9\#!/home.php?soft=side-area\&\_\_user=100004760941674\\
192 \hline 2012-12-06 13:50:58 & Facebook & https://m.facebook.com/home.php?refid=9\#!/home.php?soft=jewel\%3D0\&\_\_user=100004760941674\\
193 \hline 2012-12-06 13:46:54 & Facebook & https://m.facebook.com/login.php?refsrc=http\%3A\%2F\%2Fwww.facebook.com\%2F\&landing\_serial=2\&refid=9\\
194 \hline 2012-12-06 13:46:08 & Willkommen bei Facebook & https://m.facebook.com/login.php?refsrc=http\%3A\%2F\%2Fwww.facebook.com\%2F\&landing\_serial=1\&refid=8\\
196 \end{tabularx}\end{center}
200 The plist \emph{\textbf{IPBA::SystemPreferencesDomain:SystemConfiguration/com.apple.wifi.plist}} opened with IPBA2 plist-viewer cointains a list of Wireless Networks the phone has joined.\\
202 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{| l | l | l |}
203 \hline ssid & last join & last autojoin \\
204 \hline tunet & 2012-12-06 90:41:55 & \\
205 \hline VirtualRouter & 2012-12-06 09:38:00 & 2012-12-06 09:45:45 \\
206 \hline pornhub & 2012-12-06 11:51:01 & 2012-12-06 16:05:07 \\
208 \end{tabular}\end{center}
212 Images were extracted from \emph{\textbf{IPBA::CameraRollDomain:Media/DCIM/100APPLE}}\\
214 IMG\_0002.PNG: Screenshot of Facebook-App showing a photograph of a woman. Laura Markovic (\url{https://www.facebook.com/laura.markovic.129}) seems to be tagged in that photograph.
216 \textbf{size}: 844814 byte\\
217 \textbf{''file''-output}: PNG image data640 960 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced\\
218 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
219 986ae5d4272e003d2b8de8a9851d02721c908a43b3eb824331447c309ac92bc3\\
220 426d99ec2a749462372778feacaedcbd23823cc34dd53d07ab5e7524e4276a0f}
223 IMG\_0003.PNG: Screenshot from Maps-App showing directions within Paris.
225 \textbf{size}: 939169 byte\\
226 \textbf{''file''-output}: PNG image data640 960 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced\\
227 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
228 4238d1a52b41c7f0991dcce42ca347863244af381f34ff59efa33ab9cc85b241\\
229 849d7087cf42ce426936fc83b3a72ae991a3fc220d4716d874590222237edacf}
232 IMG\_0005.JPG: Showing some statistics about company shares.
234 \textbf{size}: 62763 byte\\
235 \textbf{''file''-output}: JPEG image data, EXIF standard\\
236 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
237 6201ddb71d24c5b662284ef091f758db5d4144643909eb29dc2522a91fc75bf0\\
238 e54995f6115f66c96cbd51ec7c052294e8a587eedc156aaa085214fee0619293}
242 \subsection{Viber-App}
243 The Viber-Database was extracted from \emph{\textbf{IPBA::AppDomain:com.viber/Documents/Contacts.data}}
245 \textbf{size}: 41984 byte\\
246 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
247 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
248 89eae3d5fa62a3ea1b499a539f71ee8fc7c8adb147c12d5bb90868384b93206c\\
249 21f2ce84f493d6c6601851844d14cf4dbdd1523ebe98bdc9deb5db380533df77}
253 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{| l | l | l | l | l |}
254 \hline timestamp & to & number & name & duration (sec)\\
255 \hline 2012-12-06 16:27:32 & to & 436803303660 & Laura Markovic & 0\\
256 \hline 2012-12-06 16:31:57 & to & 436605166042 & Johannes Smith & 72\\
258 \end{tabular}\end{center}
261 \subsection{Skype-App}
262 The Skype-Database was extracted from \emph{\textbf{IPBA::AppDomain:com.skype.skype/Library/Application Support/Skype/allegro.mayer/main.db}}
264 \textbf{size}: 128000 byte\\
265 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
266 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
267 29da4b939b6f3f2def0296ca2087355e57321ecb0a5d0e10264c16c69359a748\\
268 593fd29b8eef03407be07d386e6a980f2b6d25d29a5d3740bd566531a03c79a1}
272 \begin{center}\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| l | l | l | l | X |}
273 \hline timestamp & to/from & Skype id & name & content\\
274 \hline 2012-11-27 12:20:00 & from & johannes.m.smith & Johannes Smith & Hallo! Ich wüurde Sie gerne in meine Skype-Kontaktliste aufnehmen. Johannes Smith\\
275 \hline 2012-12-06 13:20:33 & to & johannes.m.smith & Johannes Smith & \\
276 \hline 2012-12-06 13:20:57 & to & christoffel.johannes.smith & Chris Smith & Fügen Sie mich als Kontakt hinzu, damit wir anrufen und chatten können\\
277 \hline 2012-12-06 13:21:33 & to & addy-juli & Julia & Fügen Sie mich als Kontakt hinzu, damit wir anrufen und chatten können.\\
278 \hline 2012-12-06 16:33:51 & from & johannes.m.smith & Johannes Smith & Hallo\\
280 \end{tabularx}\end{center}
283 \subsection{Dropbox-App}
284 The plist \emph{\textbf{IPBA::AppDomain:com.getdropbox.Dropbox/Library/Preferences/com.getdropbox.Dropbox.plist}} opened with IPBA2 plist-viewer cointains a field \emph{\textbf{Dropbox Username}} and the email-address \emph{\textbf{allegro.mayer@gmail.com}}\\
286 Also the field \emph{\textbf{Dropbox Camera Upload Has Ever Uploaded}} is \emph{\textbf{true}}\\
289 \subsection{Facebook-App}
290 The plist \emph{\textbf{IPBA::AppDomain:com.facebook.Facebook/com.facebook.Facebook.plist}} opened with IPBA2 plist-viewer cointains a field \emph{\textbf{FBLastLoginEmail}} and the email-address \emph{\textbf{allegro.mayer@gmail.com}}\\
292 Searching of FB reveales the link to the profile: \url{https://www.facebook.com/allegro.mayer}.\\
293 That About-Page states his relationship status is married to Mrs. Ilse Mayer-Brandl (profile: \url{https://www.facebook.com/ilse.mayerbrandl}).\\
295 Relevant FB-postings by Allegro Mayer:\\
296 On December 7. 2012 11:54 at Flughafen Wien, Vienna Airport, Austria.
297 \begin{quote}On my way to Paris\end{quote}
299 On December 7. 2012 14:17 at Paris, with Laura Markovic (\url{https://www.facebook.com/laura.markovic.129}).
300 \begin{quote}enjoying a romantic weekend with my dearest love in Paris!\end{quote}
307 \newpage\section{Android}
308 \subsection{Source: Android.tar.gz (ANDRO)}
309 Android image from Johannes Markus Smith's phone.
311 \textbf{size}: 270397822 byte\\
312 \textbf{''file''-output}: gzip compressed data, last modified: Fri Dec 14 12:06:37 2012, from Unix\\
313 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
314 9614e30affc09d1cbfad5a96e43b2e40dae3c5c123db22dcbd53e980d14418d9\\
315 ab18c6a2b5b9f8a0e1539474612a4a7ceae627255a2169565f0dddf3409ef67d}
319 \subsection{Contacts}
320 The contacts were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{raw\_contacts}} and \emph{\textbf{phone\_lookup}} from the file\\
321 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/contacts2.db}}
323 \textbf{size}: 110592 byte\\
324 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
325 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
326 ac4da8a978cb0b1e09f9b556065b93790892568a38e0d86cc5d36490fa1b3acc\\
327 527651378468b8b17c5d56db375bae2f906e53f0a765471d9fae4b0860a6fbc0}
331 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{| l | l | }
332 \hline number & display\_name\\
333 \hline 06604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer\\
334 \hline 06605969364 & Karl Heinz Grasser\\
335 \hline +4300436605969364 & Allegro Mayer\\
336 \hline +4300436605969364 & Allegro Mayer\\
337 \hline 06603203711 & Allegro Mayer\\
338 \hline +4300436605969364 & Allegro Mayer\\
340 \end{tabular}\end{center}
342 It looks suspicious that 2 different people share the same number. Maybe the tables became corrupt?
345 \subsection{Call-Log}
346 The call-logs were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{calls}} from the file\\
347 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/contacts2.db}}
349 \textbf{size}: 110592 byte\\
350 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
351 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
352 ac4da8a978cb0b1e09f9b556065b93790892568a38e0d86cc5d36490fa1b3acc\\
353 527651378468b8b17c5d56db375bae2f906e53f0a765471d9fae4b0860a6fbc0}
357 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{| l | l | l | l | l | }
358 \hline date & type & number & name & duration\\
359 \hline 2012-12-06 13:30:49 & to & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer & 92\\
360 \hline 2012-12-06 13:33:24 & to & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer & 109\\
361 \hline 2012-12-06 13:40:43 & from & 19804042297 & & 16\\
362 \hline 2012-12-06 14:01:50 & to & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer & 0\\
363 \hline 2012-12-06 15:23:38 & to & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer & 0\\
364 \hline 2012-12-06 15:52:45 & to & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer & 11\\
365 \hline 2012-12-06 15:55:22 & to & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer & 3\\
366 \hline 2012-12-06 16:00:01 & to & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer & 15\\
367 \hline 2012-12-06 16:13:29 & from & 436605969364 & Karl Heinz Grasser & 63\\
368 \hline 2012-12-06 16:22:21 & to & 4300436605969364 & & 0\\
369 \hline 2012-12-06 16:25:12 & to & 6603203711 & Allegro Mayer & 0\\
370 \hline 2012-12-06 16:26:03 & to & 6603203711 & Allegro Mayer & 13\\
371 \hline 2012-12-06 16:33:10 & from & 6603203711 & Allegro Mayer & 74 Viber\\
372 \hline 2012-12-06 16:35:14 & to & 6603203711 & Allegro Mayer & 0 Viber\\
373 \hline 2012-12-06 16:45:30 & from & 436603203711 & Allegro Mayer & 20\\
375 \end{tabular}\end{center}
379 The sms were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{sms}} from the file\\
380 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db}}
382 \textbf{size}: 40960 byte\\
383 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
384 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
385 da62de7c96eac0299584fe7a7278b43a5986f1a6c5f5a6ed1f2ec18bddcbd0d2\\
386 0e6bb39419f5777d8610783f95405d509a39306217ed6ed6186e17ef2db85cd6}
390 \begin{center}\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| l | l | l | X | }
391 \hline date & type & address & body\\
392 \hline 2012-12-06 16:29:50 & from & Viber & Your Viber code is: 7868 Close this message and enter the code into Viber to activate your account.\\
393 \hline 2012-12-06 16:36:22 & to & 6603203711 & Hallo, ich empfehle dir den WhatsApp Messenger für Android, iPhone, Nokia, BlackBerry und Windows Phone auf http://whatsapp.com/dl/\\
394 \hline 2012-12-06 16:42:55 & from & 436603203711 & Viel zu unsicher, hab mir vor kurzem einen ganz tollen vortrag darüber angehört...\\
395 \hline 2012-12-06 16:45:24 & from & 436603203711 & Ich hab von einem kollegen wichtige informationen. Ruf dich an\\
397 \end{tabularx}\end{center}
400 \subsection{Calendar}
401 The calendar events were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{Events}} from the file\\
402 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.android.providers.calendar/databases/calendar.db}}
404 \textbf{size}: 33792 byte\\
405 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
406 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
407 8e8a8a427432c3e2ddfc3435b1121da27442d53eed27bb433b784850efa703d4\\
408 b8b6e55ebbe31ab55612e94a83cd933bb75fbffbb33f680a260bcc9c86380f86}
412 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l | l| l |}
413 \hline event & location & start & end & attendees \\
414 \hline Geschäftsessen & Maylee & 2012-12-07 11:00:00 & 2012-12-07 12:00:00 & Johannes Smith\\
416 \end{tabular}\end{center}
419 \subsection{Accounts}
420 All registered accounts were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{accounts}} from the file\\
421 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/system/accounts.db}}
423 \textbf{size}: 20480 byte\\
424 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
425 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
426 986ef7b12650f36959592640dc824fa22c40fd1d6c13dc36f4eeb719c6b6ef80\\
427 773762691bb9adb0b9c7490e5eedd4c5fa462b5b8c6119e6736bc2be3b09cd03}
430 There seems to be nothing of interest on Smith's Facebook public profile (\url{https://www.facebook.com/johannes.markussmith}).\\
432 Whatsapp seems to be interesting: It seems that \emph{\textbf{+436603169718}} is Smith's secondary phone number.
436 Relevant eMail-headers were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{Message}} from the file\\
437 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.android.email/databases/EmailProvider.db}}
439 \textbf{size}: 33792 byte\\
440 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
441 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
442 bbcfc7565fe211a9b86d49a8ce816b4ac6d44c6bd7360f0342961af2051f60f9\\
443 c6481393562aa5413e25ec8b7b78c0be43e530b498f59d11b6e5f2c5c6cdab5e}
446 Relevant eMail-bodies were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{Body}} from the file\\
447 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.android.email/databases/EmailProviderBody.db}}
449 \textbf{size}: 108544 byte\\
450 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
451 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
452 a3b3d4160cc51651894bdd569677ecaea80cdee5b0622015604293b2dcb1c2e4\\
453 15c05f2ccbf70b82b8b5fc03c8d3c8ced182db17a9cdf603aa08f831c57d2ce8}
456 On \emph{\textbf{2012-11-27 13:03:02}} subject \emph{\textbf{Re: current stocks!}}
457 \begin{lstlisting}Thanks!!!
458 It seems that we've made the right decisions!!
460 Am Dienstag, 27. November 2012 schrieb Johannes Smith :
469 On \emph{\textbf{2012-11-27 16:08:24}} subject \emph{\textbf{Allegro Mayer shared "confidential" with you}}
470 \begin{lstlisting}Allegro hat über Dropbox einige Dateien für dich freigegeben!
472 Klicke hier, um "confidential" anzuzeigen: https://www.dropbox.com/el/?r=/sh/vynk4jf4tghe88d/xkfh_H-BLn&b=clk:124439748:4804662256873865079:776:445&z=AACxCiMV76RVXzyBMgmjFiqsgTRbi53b5uE5OmdOmwYvZg
476 \subsection{Viber-App}
477 The Viber-call-logs were extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{viber\_call\_log}} from the file\\
478 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.viber.voip/databases/viber\_call\_log.db}}
480 \textbf{size}: 5120 byte\\
481 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
482 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
483 64fb64c0568f54c762561c0d939538a938adb7a671904418b763992701b5b24a\\
484 75ec0c3f0e6959525f05bae929b6734c7d6ccac19a0363ebc3459c7b45cbdbe1}
488 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | }
489 \hline number & timestamp\\
490 \hline 06603203711 & 2012-12-06 16:35:14\\
492 \end{tabular}\end{center}
495 \subsection{Whatsapp-App}
496 The Whatsapp call-log seems to have been wiped, as there was nothing useful to extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{messages}} from the file\\
497 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db}}
499 \textbf{size}: 8192 byte\\
500 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
501 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
502 700ad004b1c20d4c3bdc4d56ee59e3469db661a045fcb4803906f9d77a76f5c5\\
503 829d0751f84e913fcebe0d23491ec2c4d5ca03f577cbb087218b314422a68821}
506 The Whatsapp contactlist was extracted from the table \emph{\textbf{wa\_contacts}} from the file\\
507 \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/wa.db}}
509 \textbf{size}: 7168 byte\\
510 \textbf{''file''-output}: SQLite 3.x database\\
511 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
512 ace8f7e526fc641556d96a58f0bdffd99f2b93bf39be271c9599eab10bcdd3b5\\
513 7111b321a9dd6ca51c81c7bd4422e6126a6a7dd66d3fa59e328ff990a99642d1}
517 \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l | }
518 \hline jid & number & display\_name\\
519 \hline 436605969364@s.whatsapp.net & 6605969364 & Karl Heinz Grasser\\
520 \hline 436604413637@s.whatsapp.net & 6604413637 & Antonio Schweinebauer\\
521 \hline 436603203711@s.whatsapp.net & 6603203711 & Allegro Mayer\\
522 \hline 4300436605969364@s.whatsapp.net & 4300436605969360 & Allegro Mayer\\
524 \end{tabular}\end{center}
528 The file \emph{\textbf{ANDRO::data/misc/wifi/wpa\_supplicant.conf}} shows an interesting network configuration.
530 \textbf{size}: 126 byte\\
531 \textbf{''file''-output}: ASCII text\\
532 \textbf{sha512}\\\ttfamily{
533 cf30537161f54bad5f9a741f90c14afb2e6cf00151ed3ed414f301c9aa5cb964\\
534 b6d745f0daabb44f922efded0c1b7c93698b43545dbf465608807bc22b779787}
543 psk="I'mNaked!FindMeUpstairs"
548 The same Access-Point name was used on Mayer's iPhone too.
551 \newpage\section{Dropbox}
554 Mayer shared a folder called called \emph{\textbf{confidential}} with Smith over Dropbox.\\
555 The invitation eMail contains the URL to that folder (\url{https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vynk4jf4tghe88d/
556 xkfh_H-BLn?lst#/}).\\
557 The folder is publicly accessible so it was possible to extract its contents.
559 \item\emph{\textbf{2012-11-27 14.31.56.png}}\\iPhone screenshot from some flightplan App, shows a number of flights departing Vienna shortly after 1700 (among those, two flights from Vienna to Paris)
560 \item\emph{\textbf{Homer-Simpson-Butt-Wide-Load.png}}\\Snapshot of from an episode of The Simpsons showing Homer with \textbf{Wide Load} written across his back.
561 \item\emph{\textbf{Stocks-watch.jpg}}\\A key lying on a newspaper with a headline beginning with \textbf{Investing}
562 \item\emph{\textbf{stocks.jpg}}\\Smaller version of \emph{\textbf{IPBA::IMG\_0005.JPG}} from the iPhone backup.
568 \newpage\section{Details}
569 \subsection{Used tools on GuestVM}
570 Tools that were used for analysis (-{}-version):
572 \item IP Backup Aanalyzer 2.0 build 20130319 (mar 2013)
575 \subsection{Used tools on Host}
576 Tools that were used for analysis (-{}-version):
578 \item sqlite3 3.8.5 2014-06-04 14:06:34 b1ed4f2a34ba66c29b130f8d13e9092758019212
579 \item sha512sum (GNU coreutils) 8.22
580 \item ls (GNU coreutils) 8.22
582 \item tar tar (GNU tar) 1.27.1
585 \subsection{Machines}
587 \item \textbf{Virtual machine}\\
588 Windows XP Version5.1 (Build2600.xpsp\_sp3\_qfe.130704-0421 : Service Pack3)
589 \item \textbf{Oracle VirtualBox} 4.3.10
590 \item \textbf{Host machine}\\
591 Linux rebx 3.14.0-gentoo-somenet.org \#1 SMP Sun Apr 6 01:00:17 CEST 2014 x86\_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux