1 # ASIS Cyber Security Contest '19
5 The people who can do you the most damage are the ones who are closest to you.
6 "close" means q = next_prime(p)
9 The hint `close means q = next_prime(p\)` was released at a later time and I only found out about that hint after the challenge ended.
10 Upon connecting to the host we get a challenge in the form of `Please submit a printable string X, such that sha256(X)[-6:] = 95b3ff and len(X) = 27`.
11 That appears to be the same prove-of-work task that is used in the "Yet funny" challenge, for which the source code is given.
12 The hash can be one of `md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512` and the length is between `10 and 40`.
13 Once the PoW has been solved, we are presented with the following task:
15 hi all! We are looking for two large close 512-bit primes p and q such that q > p, and √q - √p ≥ 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016
16 Can you find such primes? √ means sqrt, try your best and send to us the first prime p.
23 I first wrote a python script to solve the PoW part.
28 from time import sleep
29 from random import choice
31 import pwnlib.util.hashes
37 hash = line[46:line.index('(')]
38 mindex = line.index('] = ')
39 match = line[mindex+4:mindex+10]
40 length = int(line[-3:-1])
41 return (hash, match, length)
43 def reconnectTillMd5():
45 r = remote(host, port)
46 line = r.recvline().decode()
47 (h, m, l) = parse(line)
55 def bruteforce_rand(match, length, hashfunc):
59 c = ''.join(choice(ascii_letters + digits) for i in range(length))
60 h = hashfunc(c.encode())
62 print('match found: {} = h({})'.format(h, c))
64 if count % 1000000 == 0:
65 print('tried {} * 10^6 hashes'.format(count/1000000))
66 print('{} = h({})'.format(h, c))
69 def bruteforce_seq(match, length, hashfunc):
72 for c in itertools.product(ascii_letters+digits, repeat = length):
74 h = hashfunc(c.encode())
76 print('match found: {} = h({})'.format(h, c))
78 if count % 1000000 == 0:
79 print('tried {} * 10^6 hashes'.format(count/1000000))
80 print('{} = h({})'.format(h, c))
84 (r, h, m, l) = reconnectTillMd5()
85 c = bruteforce_seq(m,l)
90 if __name__ == '__main__':
93 #plain = 'aaaanaaaaa' #''.join(choice(ascii_letters+digits) for i in range(l))
94 #hash = h(plain.encode())
96 #print('{} characters long ending with {}'.format(l, match))
97 #c = bruteforce_seq(match, l, h)
100 The code connects to the server using the pwntools tubes module, gets the PoW challenge and tries to bruteforce the correct hash. Here I had some problems, because I would often get a timeout before the script could find a correct value. I first thought the problem is that I ran the code in a VM, but running the code directly did not improve the performance. Because I did not want to use a different language because pwntools is so convenient and I did not know (or want to) if multithreading / starting multiple processes would help much I just reconnected till to the host till I got a md5 hash, for which the script got an solution most of the time. Then I received the real challenge as shown above. The challange can be run offline, which is nice. To find primes I used the gmpy2 library, which also has a function `next_prime(q)`, which conveniently finds the next prime `p` such that `p > q`. The code:
102 from Crypto.Util.number import *
108 dif = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016
111 q = gmpy2.next_prime(p)
112 if (gmpy2.sqrt(q) - gmpy2.sqrt(p)) >= dif:
113 print('found: ', p, q)
115 if time.time() - start > 15:
116 print('{}: {} tested'.format(time.time()-start, c))
120 if __name__ == '__main__':
122 print('(p,q) = ({},{})'.format(p,q))
124 I ran that code for about an hour and in the meantime looked another challenge. Unfortunately, the code did not work / return a result.
126 ## Problems of my code
127 After the CTF was over, I looked at the writeup from [here][1] to find out why my code did not work.
128 The code above cannot find a solution because I did not set the precision of the [reals / the mpfr module][2].
129 That can be done with `gmpy2.get_context().precision = 1024`. If we do not set the `precision` to a sufficiently high number, the `sqrt` calculations - `gmpy2.sqrt(q)` and `gmpy2.sqrt(p)` - return the same value because the numbers are so huge. As an example:
131 >>> p = getPrime(512)
133 11631779155100729962586087103617610994659776213061220305417026036717218640211672664963542324251964649791603386004740049118812343848359731655073667497316291
135 mpfr('1.0785072626135037e+77')
136 >>> gmpy2.sqrt(p-999999999999999999999999999999)
137 mpfr('1.0785072626135037e+77')
139 Therefore, the difference between the two square roots is always 0 and my loop never terminates.
141 Performance-wise, I am sure there are some possible improvements ;).
144 [1]: https://github.com/p4-team/ctf/tree/master/2019-11-16-asis-finals/close_primes
145 [2]: https://gmpy2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mpfr.html#contexts
149 A sincere gift for cryptographers, enjoy solving it!
151 We got an archive with the following files:
155 output.txt contains two large numbers, `c and n`:
157 c = 78643169701772559588799235367819734778096402374604527417084323620408059019575192358078539818358733737255857476385895538384775148891045101302925145675409962992412316886938945993724412615232830803246511441681246452297825709122570818987869680882524715843237380910432586361889181947636507663665579725822511143923
158 n = 420908150499931060459278096327098138187098413066337803068086719915371572799398579907099206882673150969295710355168269114763450250269978036896492091647087033643409285987088104286084134380067603342891743645230429893458468679597440933612118398950431574177624142313058494887351382310900902645184808573011083971351
160 serifin.py contains code that encodes the flag by performing `c = encrypt(flag, n)`. It seems we have to reverse engineer the code and somehow calculate the flag given the two values `c,n` from the output.txt file.
163 First I looked at the source code: two prime numbers p and q are generated but with some condition
165 p%9 = 1, q%9 = 1, p%27 > 1, q%27 > 1 and q = next_prime(fun(p))
167 Then, the flag is encoded with `c = flag^3 mod n` with `n=p*q`.
168 Essentially we have to solve the congruence `f³ = c mod n` with c and n given.
169 First, I tried solving this with z3 and the python bindings for it. Unfortunately, that didn't work.
170 I then took a closer look at the serifin function and found that it basically calculates the partial sum of the geometric series `a + a/l + a/l² + a/l³ + ..`, but with the caveat that if the difference between the current and last term is smaller than `0.0001`, the function stops. Maybe that information can be used to factor `n` into `p and q`.
172 I then spent a long time reading up about modular arithmetic and RSA.
173 Apparently, the solution has something to do with the [Chinese Remainder Theorem][1], because I found and [stackexchange entry][2]. I spent some more time reading up on the CRT but unfortunately did not learn how to solve the problem.
175 [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_remainder_theorem
176 [2]: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2689987/solving-cubic-congruence
180 ## Securealloc (Warm-up, pwn)
183 The key to success in the battlefield is always the secure allocation of resuorces!
184 nc 9001
191 We are given a binary and a library together an specific version of libc. The binary runs on a remote host and takes input on port 9001. Upon connecting to the host/port we are given a menu with the following options:
192 1. Create - asks for size, allocates memory of given size
193 2. Edit - write to the allocated memory
194 3. Show - print content of memory
195 4. Delete - free the memory
199 From that, I concluded the challenge has something to do with heap exploitation.
202 I am not that familiar with binary exploitation, I never did a heap overflow challenge and only some basic stack overflow exploits, so I did not know what to expect.
203 First of all, I just played around with the binary and tried some unusual inputs to maybe produce an error, e.g. edit before create and writing more than the specified size. Both of these attempts resulted in an error, see the images below. The error `*** heap smashing detected ***: ...` was new to me, I knew that gcc prints a stack smashing error but I`ve never heard of this one. I googled the error message but did not get any results so I assumed it is a custom error message.
205 ![segfault.png][segfault]
206 ![heapsmash.png][heapsmash]
208 Next, loaded the binaries into ghidra to disassamble/decompile them and look at the code. I pretty quickly found the main function, then inspected the code some more and did some variable and function renaming.
209 The main function (see below) does some initialisation and then prints the menu, takes the user input and performs some action based on it in an infinite loop.
218 if (extraout_EAX == 2) {
222 if (extraout_EAX < 3) {
223 if (extraout_EAX == 1) {
228 puts("Invalid option");
232 if (extraout_EAX == 3) {
236 if (extraout_EAX != 4) goto LAB_00100dad;
241 __heap_chk_fail(DAT_00302050_pointer_to_memory);
245 To get the input from the user, the functions `userInput()` resp.`readInput(..)`are used. I took a closer look at these function because I already knew there was some kind of overflow in the code due to the errors from before. Indeed, in `readInput` (see below) there is an infinite loop that uses `read(..)` to get the user input and store it in the give buffer. The loop does not check the buffer size and only terminates after a `\n` is encountered.
247 char * readInput(char *param_1)
253 sVar1 = read(0,buffer,1);
255 /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
258 if (*buffer == '\n') break;
262 return buffer + -(long)param_1;
267 I also noticed that the `init_stuff()`,`create()` and `delete()` functions use the functions `secure_init(..)`, `secure_malloc(..)` and `secure_free(..)` from the `libsalloc.so` library, so I took a look at them. The `secure_init` function appears to read `8*8` bytes from `/dev/urandom`, performs a bitwise `and` with the value `0xffffffffffffff00` and saves the result at a fixed address or offset which I named `canary`. As to why, that will be clear shortly.
268 The other two appear to be wrappers for their respective functions of the c library, namely `malloc` and `free`.
271 void secure_init(void)
275 __stream = fopen("/dev/urandom","rb");
276 if (__stream == (FILE *)0x0) {
277 /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
281 while (local_14 < 8) {
282 fread(&canary,8,1,__stream);
283 local_14 = local_14 + 1;
286 canary = canary & 0xffffffffffffff00;
290 `secure_malloc` actually allocates `0x10` bytes more than specified by the user and then returns a pointer that does not point to the start of the memory region but 2 addresses in. This is done because at the beginning, the `size` given from the user is stored. At the end of the memory region ( at `puVar1 + 8 + param_1`, which I think should be enough space for `8 * sizeof(unit)`), the value at the address `canary` is stored. That is the value that was written by the `secure_init` function.
292 uint * secure_malloc(uint param_1)
296 puVar1 = (uint *)malloc((ulong)(param_1 + 0x10));
297 if (puVar1 == (uint *)0x0) {
298 /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
299 __abort("Resource depletion (secure_malloc)");
302 puVar1[1] = param_1 + 1;
303 *(undefined8 *)((ulong)param_1 + 8 + (long)puVar1) = canary;
308 At the end of the main loop, there is a call to `__heap_chk_fail(pointer)` which is defined in `libsalloc.so`. This is the function that prints the error message `*** heap smasing detected ***: ...`.
309 It appears that the function checks if the given pointer contains the value of the `canary` at a certain offset. I did not really make sense of all the pointer arithmetics but from that I concluded that the `secure_*` functions basically implement `stack canaries` but for the heap. That´s also the reason I renamed the variable `canary`.
312 void __heap_chk_fail(long param_1)
314 if (((param_1 != 0) && (*(int *)(param_1 + -4) - *(uint *)(param_1 + -8) == 1)) &&
315 (*(long *)(param_1 + (ulong)*(uint *)(param_1 + -8)) != canary)) {
316 /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
317 __abort("*** heap smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated");
323 To summarise, I new that I could allocate memory of arbitrary size (actually + 0x10 bytes), free the memory and write to it. I could also overflow that buffer by writing more bytes than the actual size. So I had to either somehow leak the canary or otherwise circumvent the heap canary check to exploit the vulnerability.
324 Unfortunately, I did not know what to do with that so I started reading up on how memory management works and how to do heap exploitations [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. Understanding how malloc works was relatively easy but took some time. On the other hand, applying the new knowledge proved quite difficult and I did not really know where to start because it looks like there is no holy grail of heap exploits which allows you to perform certain steps which always result in a successful exploit. So after working on the challenge for about 1 and a half days I saw myself defeated and had to give up.
327 [1]: https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/MallocInternals
328 [2]: https://sploitfun.wordpress.com/2015/02/10/understanding-glibc-malloc/
329 [3]: https://sploitfun.wordpress.com/2015/02/26/heap-overflow-using-unlink/
330 [4]: https://sploitfun.wordpress.com/2015/03/04/heap-overflow-using-malloc-maleficarum/
331 [5]: https://github.com/shellphish/how2heap
333 [menu]: ./asis19/menu.png
334 [segfault]: ./asis19/segfault.png
335 [heapsmash]: ./asis19/heapsmash.png