5 I only spent about 1 hour for this CTF and basically just looked into the challenges.
9 Description: "A sincere gift for cryptographers, enjoy solving it!"
13 We were provided with a Python script which apparently generates a 512-bit prime (p, q) and encrypts some text (the flag) using the multiplication `p*q` of this prime number. We have an `output.txt` which includes n (`p*q`) and the ciphertext.
15 I suppose we have to recompute/guess the actual values p and q, which we dont have.
17 The prime computation does not look like a normal one and I googled a bit but could not find out what to do.
21 nothing done beside basic analysis
27 * The key to success in the battlefield is always the secure allocation of resources!
28 * `nc 9001`
32 We are also provided with `securalloc.elf`, `libc.so.6` and `libsalloc.so`.
34 Apparently at port 9001 there is waiting an instance of securalloc.elf.
36 Looks like we need to exploit a vulnerability because of heap problems.
38 The application allows to create/edit/show/delete records. It can also print size and data content.
42 nothing done beside basic analysis