6 You can use the search under: [http://localhost:8084/search/tweets.json?q=Google](http://localhost:8080/search/tweets.json?q=Google)
7 where `q` is your search string.
9 It mainly mirrors the search API from Twitter. My implementation contains some basic fields with the same names as in
10 the official API. If you need more, please let me know.
15 Unfortunately you have to provide your own API Keys, as sharing them is forbidden. In the worst case there would be five
16 people using the same keys at the same time. This probably asks for a ban.
18 I really don't want to risk it, as my application for a [Twitter Developer Platform](https://developer.twitter.com/)
19 account was ridiculously complicated. You have to answer four questions, with at least 400 (?) words, and as detailed as
20 possible. My application apparently wasn't detailed enough, so they asked me follow up questions. After two emails, one
21 with ~1.200 words, they were finally satisfied.
23 Furthermore people with an existing account, like I had, can't create new apps anymore, unless they apply again.
25 So I would advise you to [apply for an account](https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply-for-access) yourself, or maybe
26 ask someone else from the group if they have a spare key.
28 The keys then go into `application.yml` below `oauth:`, i.e. `consumer-key`, `consumer-secret`, `access-token`,
29 `access-token-secret`.