3 type = "burner-generator",
5 icon = "__some-npp__/graphics/icons/some-npp.png",
7 flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
8 minable = {mining_time = 3, result = "some-npp"},
10 corpse = "big-remnants",
11 collision_box = {{-48.7, -48.7}, {48.7, 48.7}},
12 selection_box = {{-49.0, -49.0}, {49.0, 49.0}},
13 drawing_box = {{-49.0, -49.0}, {49.0, 49.0}},
16 -- TODO: make water-requirement at the location of the water-pumps.
17 -- TODO: make rotatable.
18 -- center_collision_mask = { "water-tile", "object-layer", "player-layer" }, -- to test that tile directly under the pump is ground
19 -- fluid_box_tile_collision_test = { "ground-tile" },
20 -- adjacent_tile_collision_test = { "water-tile" },
21 -- adjacent_tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, -- to prevent building on edge of map :(
22 -- adjacent_tile_collision_box = { { -51, -10 }, { -50, 10 } },
25 fuel_category = "nuclear",
27 fuel_inventory_size = 1,
28 burnt_inventory_size = 1
30 max_power_output = "1120MW",
33 usage_priority = "primary-output"
37 filename = "__some-npp__/graphics/entity/some-npp.png",
47 filename = "__some-npp__/graphics/entity/some-npp.png",