4 ################################################
5 ### Managed by someone's ansible provisioner ###
6 ################################################
7 # Part of: https://git.somenet.org/root/pub/somesible.git
8 # 2017-2025 by someone <someone@somenet.org>
17 threads - Plugin to monitor threads and thread states. - copy of threads, with another ps option. commented out all but linux.
21 This plugin requires munin-server version 1.2.5 or 1.3.3 (or higher).
23 This plugin is backwards compatible with the old threads-plugins found on
24 SunOS, Linux and *BSD (i.e. the history is preserved).
26 All fields have colours associated with them which reflect the type of process
27 (sleeping/idle = blue, running = green, stopped/zombie/dead = red, etc.)
31 No configuration for this plugin.
35 Copyright (C) 2006 Lars Strand
39 GNU General Public License, version 2
43 This file is part of Munin.
45 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
46 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
47 Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
49 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
50 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
51 PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
53 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
54 this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
55 Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
63 These magic markers are used by munin-node-configure when installing
69 #%# capabilities=autoconf
73 # Search for program in $PATH unless predefined.
77 # Find operating system
78 OPERSYS=${OPERSYS:-$(uname | cut -f 1 -d _)}
79 [ -z "$OPERSYS" ] && echo >&2 "Failed to detect environment via uname" && exit 1
81 if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
83 Linux) #|SunOS|FreeBSD|OpenBSD|NetBSD|Darwin|CYGWIN) - some edit: disable all but linux.
84 if ! "$ps" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
85 echo "no (ps=$ps failed)"
86 elif ! echo | "$awk" '{ print "Hei" }' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
87 echo "no (awk=$awk failed)"
94 echo "no (unknown OS)"
100 . "$MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh"
103 RUNNABLE='22ff22' # Green
104 SLEEPING='0022ff' # Blue
105 STOPPED='cc0000' # Darker red
106 ZOMBIE='990000' # Darkest red
107 UNINTERRUPTIBLE='ffa500' # Orange
108 IDLE='4169e1' # Royal blue
109 PAGING='00aaaa' # Darker turquoise
110 INTERRUPT='ff00ff' # Fuchsia
111 LOCK='ff3333' # Lighter red
112 RUNNING='00ff7f' # Spring green
114 SUSPENDED='ff1493' # Deep pink
115 TOTAL='c0c0c0' # Silver
118 # R - Linux, SunOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OSX, HP-UX (runable)
119 # S - Linux, SunOS, FreeBSD*, OpenBSD*, NetBSD*, OSX*, HP-UX (sleeping)
120 # T - Linux, SunOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OSX, HP-UX (stopped)
121 # Z - Linux, SunOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OSX, HP-UX (zombie/terminated)
122 # D - Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD (uninterruptible)
123 # I - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OSX, HP-UX (idle/intermediate)
124 # W - Linux*, FreeBSD*, HP-UX (paging/interrupt/waiting)
126 # O - SunOS (running)
127 # X - Linux, HP-UX* (dead)
128 # U - OSX, NetBSD* (uninterruptible/suspended)
129 # 0 - HP-UX (nonexistent)
132 if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
133 echo "graph_title Threads"
134 echo "graph_info This graph shows the number of threads"
135 echo "graph_category system"
136 echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
137 echo "graph_vlabel Number of threads"
140 if [ "$OPERSYS" = "Linux" ]; then
141 echo "graph_order sleeping idle stopped zombie dead paging uninterruptible runnable threads"
142 echo "dead.label dead"
143 echo "dead.draw STACK"
144 echo "dead.colour $DEAD"
145 echo "dead.info The number of dead threads."
148 echo "paging.label paging"
149 echo "paging.draw STACK"
150 echo "paging.colour $PAGING"
151 echo "paging.info The number of paging threads (<2.6 kernels only)."
153 print_critical paging
155 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "SunOS" ]; then
156 echo "graph_order sleeping stopped zombie runnable running total"
157 echo "running.label running"
158 echo "running.draw STACK"
159 echo "running.colour $RUNNING"
160 echo "running.info The number of threads that are running on a processor."
161 print_warning running
162 print_critical running
163 # Be backwards compatible.
164 echo "total.label total"
165 echo "total.draw LINE1"
166 echo "total.colour $TOTAL"
167 echo "total.info The total number of threads."
171 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "FreeBSD" ]; then
172 echo "graph_order sleeping idle stopped zombie lock uninterruptible interrupt runnable threads"
173 echo "lock.label lock"
174 echo "lock.draw STACK"
175 echo "lock.colour $LOCK"
176 echo "lock.info The number of threads that are waiting to acquire a lock."
179 echo "interrupt.label interrupt"
180 echo "interrupt.draw STACK"
181 echo "interrupt.colour $INTERRUPT"
182 echo "interrupt.info The number of idle interrupt threads."
183 print_warning interrupt
184 print_critical interrupt
186 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "OpenBSD" ]; then
187 echo "graph_order sleeping idle stopped zombie uninterruptible runnable threads"
189 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "NetBSD" ]; then
190 echo "graph_order sleeping idle stopped zombie uninterruptible suspended runnable threads"
191 echo "suspended.label suspended"
192 echo "suspended.draw STACK"
193 echo "suspended.colour $SUSPENDED"
194 echo "suspended.info The number of threads that are suspended."
195 print_warning suspended
196 print_critical suspended
198 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "Darwin" ]; then
199 echo "graph_order sleeping idle stopped zombie uninterruptible running threads"
200 echo "uninterruptible.label uninterruptible"
201 echo "uninterruptible.draw STACK"
202 echo "uninterruptible.colour $UNINTERRUPTIBLE"
203 echo "uninterruptible.info The number of uninterruptible threads (usually IO)."
204 print_warning uninterruptible
205 print_critical uninterruptible
206 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "HP-UX" ]; then
207 echo "graph_order sleeping intermediate stopped terminated waiting growing nonexistent runnable threads"
208 echo "waiting.label waiting"
209 echo "waiting.draw STACK"
210 echo "waiting.colour $INTERRUPT"
211 echo "waiting.info The number of waiting threads."
212 print_warning waiting
213 print_critical waiting
214 echo "terminated.label terminated"
215 echo "terminated.draw STACK"
216 echo "terminated.colour $ZOMBIE"
217 echo "terminated.info The number of threads that are terminated."
218 print_warning terminated
219 print_critical terminated
220 echo "growing.label growing"
221 echo "growing.draw STACK"
222 echo "growing.colour $RUNNING"
223 echo "growing.info The number of growing threads."
224 print_warning growing
225 print_critical growing
226 echo "intermediate.label intermediate"
227 echo "intermediate.draw STACK"
228 echo "intermediate.colour $IDLE"
229 echo "intermediate.info The number of intermediate threads."
230 print_warning intermediate
231 print_critical intermediate
232 echo "nonexistent.label nonexistent"
233 echo "nonexistent.draw STACK"
234 echo "nonexistent.colour $LOCK"
235 echo "nonexistent.info The number of nonexistent threads."
236 print_warning nonexistent
237 print_critical nonexistent
240 # Common flags for some OS
241 if [ "$OPERSYS" = "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$OPERSYS" = "OpenBSD" ] ||
242 [ "$OPERSYS" = "NetBSD" ] || [ "$OPERSYS" = "Darwin" ]; then
243 echo "idle.label idle"
244 echo "idle.draw STACK"
245 echo "idle.colour $IDLE"
246 echo "idle.info The number of threads that are idle (sleeping for longer than about 20 seconds)."
249 echo "sleeping.label sleeping"
250 echo "sleeping.draw AREA"
251 echo "sleeping.colour $SLEEPING"
252 echo "sleeping.info The number of threads that are sleeping for less than about 20 seconds."
253 print_warning sleeping
254 print_critical sleeping
255 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "Linux" ]; then
256 echo "idle.label idle"
257 echo "idle.draw STACK"
258 echo "idle.colour $IDLE"
259 echo "idle.info The number of idle kernel threads (>= 4.2 kernels only)."
262 echo "sleeping.label sleeping"
263 echo "sleeping.draw AREA"
264 echo "sleeping.colour $SLEEPING"
265 echo "sleeping.info The number of sleeping threads."
266 print_warning sleeping
267 print_critical sleeping
268 elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "SunOS" ] || [ "$OPERSYS" = "HP-UX" ]; then
269 echo "sleeping.label sleeping"
270 echo "sleeping.draw AREA"
271 echo "sleeping.colour $SLEEPING"
272 echo "sleeping.info The number of sleeping threads."
273 print_warning sleeping
274 print_critical sleeping
277 if [ "$OPERSYS" = "Linux" ] || [ "$OPERSYS" = "FreeBSD" ] ||
278 [ "$OPERSYS" = "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$OPERSYS" = "NetBSD" ]; then
279 echo "uninterruptible.label uninterruptible"
280 echo "uninterruptible.draw STACK"
281 echo "uninterruptible.colour $UNINTERRUPTIBLE"
282 echo "uninterruptible.info The number of uninterruptible threads (usually IO)."
283 print_warning uninterruptible
284 print_critical uninterruptible
287 # Common (non-cygwin) flags
288 if [ "$OPERSYS" != "CYGWIN" ]; then
289 echo "stopped.label stopped"
290 echo "stopped.draw STACK"
291 echo "stopped.colour $STOPPED"
292 echo "stopped.info The number of stopped or traced threads."
293 print_warning stopped
294 print_critical stopped
296 echo "runnable.label runnable"
297 echo "runnable.draw STACK"
298 echo "runnable.colour $RUNNABLE"
299 echo "runnable.info The number of runnable threads (on the run queue)."
300 print_warning runnable
301 print_critical runnable
304 if [ "$OPERSYS" != "CYGWIN" ] && [ "$OPERSYS" != "HP-UX" ]; then
305 echo "zombie.label zombie"
306 echo "zombie.draw STACK"
307 echo "zombie.colour $ZOMBIE"
308 echo "zombie.info The number of defunct ('zombie') threads (process terminated and parent not waiting)."
310 print_critical zombie
313 if [ "$OPERSYS" != "SunOS" ]; then
314 # Not using 'graph_total' due to backwards compability. SunOS uses 'total'.
315 #echo 'graph_total total'
316 echo "threads.label total"
317 echo "threads.draw LINE1"
318 echo "threads.colour $TOTAL"
319 echo "threads.info The total number of threads."
320 print_warning threads
321 print_critical threads
327 if [ "$OPERSYS" = "Linux" ]; then
328 # shellcheck disable=SC2016
329 "$ps" --no-header -eTo s | "$awk" '
330 { threads++; stat[$1]++ }
332 print "threads.value " 0+threads;
333 print "uninterruptible.value " 0+stat["D"];
334 print "runnable.value " 0+stat["R"];
335 print "sleeping.value " 0+stat["S"];
336 print "idle.value " 0+stat["I"];
337 print "stopped.value " 0+stat["T"];
338 print "paging.value " 0+stat["W"];
339 print "dead.value " 0+stat["X"];
340 print "zombie.value " 0+stat["Z"];
343 #elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "SunOS" ]; then
344 # # shellcheck disable=SC2016
345 # "$ps" -e -o s | "$awk" '
346 #{ total++; stat[$1]++ }
348 #print "total.value " 0+total;
349 #print "running.value " 0+stat["O"];
350 #print "sleeping.value " 0+stat["S"];
351 #print "runnable.value " 0+stat["R"];
352 #print "stopped.value " 0+stat["T"];
353 #print "zombie.value " 0+stat["Z"];
355 #elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "FreeBSD" ]; then
356 # # shellcheck disable=SC2016
357 # "$ps" -axo state= | sed -e 's/^\(.\).*/\1/' | "$awk" '
358 #{ threads++; stat[$1]++ }
360 #print "threads.value " 0+threads;
361 #print "uninterruptible.value " 0+stat["D"];
362 #print "idle.value " 0+stat["I"];
363 #print "lock.value " 0+stat["G"];
364 #print "runnable.value " 0+stat["R"];
365 #print "sleeping.value " 0+stat["S"];
366 #print "stopped.value " 0+stat["T"];
367 #print "interrupt.value " 0+stat["W"];
368 #print "zombie.value " 0+stat["Z"];
370 #elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "OpenBSD" ]; then
371 # # First line is header. Remove it.
372 # # shellcheck disable=SC2016
373 # "$ps" -axo state= | sed '1d' | sed -e 's/^\(.\).*/\1/' | "$awk" '
374 #{ threads++; stat[$1]++ }
376 #print "threads.value " 0+threads;
377 #print "uninterruptible.value " 0+stat["D"];
378 #print "idle.value " 0+stat["I"];
379 #print "runnable.value " 0+stat["R"];
380 #print "sleeping.value " 0+stat["S"];
381 #print "stopped.value " 0+stat["T"];
382 #print "zombie.value " 0+stat["Z"];
384 #elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "NetBSD" ]; then
385 # # First line is header. Remove it.
386 # # shellcheck disable=SC2016
387 # "$ps" -axo state= | sed '1d' | sed -e 's/^\(.\).*/\1/' | "$awk" '
388 #{ threads++; stat[$1]++ }
390 #print "threads.value " 0+threads;
391 #print "uninterruptible.value " 0+stat["D"];
392 #print "idle.value " 0+stat["I"];
393 #print "suspended.value " 0+stat["U"];
394 #print "runnable.value " 0+stat["R"];
395 #print "sleeping.value " 0+stat["S"];
396 #print "stopped.value " 0+stat["T"];
397 #print "zombie.value " 0+stat["Z"];
400 #elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "Darwin" ]; then
401 # # First line is header. Remove it.
402 # # shellcheck disable=SC2016
403 # "$ps" -axo state= | sed '1d' | sed -e 's/^\(.\).*/\1/' | "$awk" '
404 #{ threads++; stat[$1]++ }
406 #print "threads.value " 0+threads;
407 #print "uninterruptible.value " 0+stat["U"];
408 #print "idle.value " 0+stat["I"];
409 #print "runnable.value " 0+stat["R"];
410 #print "sleeping.value " 0+stat["S"];
411 #print "stopped.value " 0+stat["T"];
412 #print "zombie.value " 0+stat["Z"];
415 #elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "CYGWIN" ]; then
416 # # First line is header. Remove it. Also remove WINPID duplicates.
417 # # shellcheck disable=SC2016
418 # "$ps" -aW | sed '1d' | cut -c 30-36 | sort -u | "$awk" '
421 #print "threads.value " 0+threads;
424 #elif [ "$OPERSYS" = "HP-UX" ]; then
425 # # First line is header. Remove it.
426 # # shellcheck disable=SC2016
427 # "$ps" -el | sed '1d' | "$awk" '{print $2}' | "$awk" '
428 #{ threads++; stat[$1]++ }
430 #print "threads.value " 0+threads;
431 #print "nonexistent.value " 0+stat["0"];
432 #print "sleeping.value " 0+stat["S"];
433 #print "waiting.value " 0+stat["W"];
434 #print "runnable.value " 0+stat["R"];
435 #print "intermediate.value " 0+stat["I"];
436 #print "terminated.value " 0+stat["Z"];
437 #print "stopped.value " 0+stat["T"];
438 #print "growing.value " 0+stat["X"];