1 set terminal png font arial 8 size #600,300
4 set title "Merging times"
5 set xlabel "value of parameter p"
6 set ylabel "seconds per sort run"
7 set xrange [ 1.0000 : 250.0 ] # Aufteilung in p Teile
8 set yrange [ 0.0000 : 2.0 ] # Sekunden pro sort
10 set ytics 0.25,0.25,3.75
11 set datafile separator ","
12 plot 'merge.dat' using 1:2 notitle with points, \
13 'merge.dat' using 1:2 title "interpolate" with lines, \
14 'merge.dat' using 1:2 smooth csplines title "cspline" with lines