]> git.somenet.org - pub/jan/dslab.git/blob - ue1/build.xml
all the dslab stuff
[pub/jan/dslab.git] / ue1 / build.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 \r
3 <project name="dslab1" default="compile" basedir=".">\r
4     \r
5     <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>\r
6     <property name="build.dir" value="build"/>\r
7     \r
8     <path id="project.classpath" >\r
9         <pathelement location="${build.dir}"/>\r
10     </path>\r
11     \r
12     <target name="compile" description="Compile project.">\r
13         <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
14         <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}"\r
15                classpathref="project.classpath"\r
16                debug="true" deprecation="true"\r
17                includeantruntime="false"/>\r
18         <copy todir="${build.dir}">\r
19             <fileset dir="${src.dir}">\r
20                 <include name="*.properties" />\r
21             </fileset>\r
22         </copy>\r
23     </target>\r
24     \r
25     <target name="run-server" depends="compile" description="Run server.">\r
26         <!-- Replace "Main" with the qualified class name of your server implementation. -->\r
27         <java classname="Server.Main" fork="true" classpathref="project.classpath">\r
28             <!-- Replace these parameters with real values such as 12500. -->\r
29             <arg value="14150" /><!-- tcpPort -->\r
30             <arg value="14150" /><!-- udpPort -->\r
31         </java>\r
32     </target>\r
33     \r
34     <target name="run-client1" depends="compile" description="Run client1.">\r
35         <!-- Replace "Client.Main" with the qualified class name of your client implementation. -->\r
36         <java classname="Client.Main" fork="true" classpathref="project.classpath">\r
37             <!-- Replace these parameters with real values such as 12501. -->\r
38             <arg value="14151" /><!-- clientUDPPort -->\r
39             <arg value="localhost" /><!-- serverHost -->\r
40             <arg value="14150" /><!-- serverTCPPort -->\r
41             <arg value="14150" /><!-- serverUDPPort -->\r
42         </java>\r
43     </target>\r
44     \r
45     <target name="run-client2" depends="compile" description="Run client2.">\r
46         <!-- Replace "Client.Main" with the qualified class name of your client implementation. -->\r
47         <java classname="Client.Main" fork="true" classpathref="project.classpath">\r
48             <!-- Replace these parameters with real values such as 12502. -->\r
49             <arg value="14152" /><!-- clientUDPPort -->\r
50             <arg value="localhost" /><!-- serverHost -->\r
51             <arg value="14150" /><!-- serverTCPPort -->\r
52             <arg value="14150" /><!-- serverUDPPort -->\r
53         </java>\r
54     </target>\r
55     \r
56     <target name="run-client3" depends="compile" description="Run client3.">\r
57         <!-- Replace "Client.Main" with the qualified class name of your client implementation. -->\r
58         <java classname="Client.Main" fork="true" classpathref="project.classpath">\r
59             <!-- Replace these parameters with real values such as 12503. -->\r
60             <arg value="14153" /><!-- clientUDPPort -->\r
61             <arg value="localhost" /><!-- serverHost -->\r
62             <arg value="14150" /><!-- serverTCPPort -->\r
63             <arg value="14150" /><!-- serverUDPPort -->\r
64         </java>\r
65     </target>\r
66     \r
67     <target name="clean" description="Clean build products.">\r
68         <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>\r
69     </target>\r
70     \r
71     <target name="rebuild" depends="clean, compile" description="Clean and build products." />\r
72 </project>