1 ## General Mattermost Usage Guidelines for CTFs
3 Here are some infos on how we usually use Gitlab/Mattermost for collaboration during CTFs (If you have anything to add/change, feel free):
6 ### Please keep the `Town Square` clean.
7 - Only post **game-relevant** infos there (like e.g. link to the scoreboard)
8 * If the Town-Square becomes cluttered during the event (like it usually does ;) ), we can fall back to pinning relevant messages to the channel.
9 - For anything else (discussions/rants/questions/...) please use the `Off-topic` channel
12 ### Create channels for challenges
14 - If you start working on a challenge check if there is a channel already. Otherwise, create one
15 - This way others will know who is working or has worked on the challenge
16 - A customary scheme we use is `<category>-<challenge name>` (e.g. `web-whatever`)
17 * the naming scheme is not that important but it should be somewhat consistent
20 ### Try to put as much information as possible in the channel
21 - If you find out something useful or hit a dead end, put it in the channel. Maybe someone else can use it or provide additional help/information
22 - Use [Mattermost Markdown](https://docs.mattermost.com/help/messaging/formatting-text.html) for text and code formatting
25 ### Use Gitlab for larger code-parts
26 + Mattermost is fine for small code snippets, but if you want to collaborate on code it's most likely easier to use the Gitlab repository
27 - We do not really have a good git workflow, but placing stuff in `<category>/<challenge_name>`-folders should work okay