6 helpline=http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mozbot/
16 owner=someone@jvales.net
19 server=irc.somenet.org
22 smtphost=mail.somenet.org
25 userFlags="someone"=>1
27 users="someone"=>MyakYzeZfM6pg
29 variablepattern=[-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+
32 General::channels=#mozbot
33 General::channels=#tu.sepm
34 General::channelsBlocked
36 General::helpStyle=compact
37 General::preferredHelpLineLength=90
39 Greeting::apology=Apology accepted.
40 Greeting::apology=thanks
41 Greeting::apology=s'ok
43 Greeting::apology=that's ok
44 Greeting::apologyIndex=0
45 Greeting::assumeThanksTime=10
46 Greeting::autoGreetMute
47 Greeting::autoGreetedBackoffTime=20
48 Greeting::autoGreetings
50 Greeting::byes=seeya %
52 Greeting::byes=night %
53 Greeting::byes=/me waves goodbye to %
55 Greeting::channels=#mozbot
56 Greeting::channels=#tu.sepm
57 Greeting::channelsBlocked
59 Greeting::evil=c++ is evil
60 Greeting::evil=/me mumbles something about c++ being evil
61 Greeting::evil=c++ is e-- ah, nevermind.
62 Greeting::evil=c++ sucks
63 Greeting::evil=/me frowns at %
64 Greeting::evilBackoffTime=36000
67 Greeting::greetings=hi %
68 Greeting::greetings=yo %
69 Greeting::greetings=salut %
70 Greeting::greetings=%! dude!
71 Greeting::greetings=%: hello
73 Greeting::greetings=bonjour %
74 Greeting::greetings=g'day mate
75 Greeting::greetingsIndex=1
77 Greeting::happy=/me smiles
79 Greeting::happy=/me beams
80 Greeting::happyIndex=0
81 Greeting::hit=/me smacks %target
82 Greeting::hit=/me hits %target over the head with a hammer
83 Greeting::hit=/me trips %target up and laughs
84 Greeting::hit=%target! look over there! *smack*
85 Greeting::hit=/me pokes %target in the ribs
86 Greeting::hitEnabled=1
88 Greeting::hitProtected=""=>%source: Oh you'd like that, wouldn't you, you sadist pervert.
89 Greeting::hitProtected="yourself"=>hey look everyone! %source likes to see others hurt themselves!
90 Greeting::hitProtected="me"=>/me wacks %source in the legs with a crowbar
91 Greeting::hitProtected="hixie"=>%target: %source wanted me to hurt you but don't worry, i wuv you, i'd never hurt you...
92 Greeting::hitProtected="urself"=>oh my! %source can't even spell! It's written "yourself", moron!
93 Greeting::hug=/me hugs %target
94 Greeting::hug=%target: *hug*
95 Greeting::hug=/me hugs %target lovingly
96 Greeting::hug=%target: come 'ere! *hugs and kisses*
99 Greeting::kinky=me-ow!
100 Greeting::kinky=oh yeah! spank me baby!
101 Greeting::kinky=/me tickles %
102 Greeting::kinky=he-llo, baby!
103 Greeting::kinkyIndex=0
106 Greeting::listen=%: I'm listening.
108 Greeting::listenIndex=0
109 Greeting::ow=%!! stop it!!
110 Greeting::ow=%? You want something?
111 Greeting::ow=I'm working! Leave me alone!
113 Greeting::ow=Leave me out of it!
114 Greeting::ow=%: mean!
116 Greeting::pat=/me patpats %target
117 Greeting::pat=%target: yes dear, *pat* *pat*
118 Greeting::pat=/me pats %target condescendingly
119 Greeting::pat=%target: *pat* *pat*
121 Greeting::patProtected=""=>%source: what did I do now?
122 Greeting::patProtected="yourself"=>%source: why? what did i do wrong?
123 Greeting::rheetMaxEs=100
124 Greeting::rheetbuffer=10
125 Greeting::source=http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/webtools/mozbot/
126 Greeting::thanks=sure thing %
128 Greeting::thanks=%: np
129 Greeting::thanks=%: just doing my job!
130 Greeting::thanksIndex=0
131 Greeting::tickle=eep!
132 Greeting::tickle=iiiih!
133 Greeting::tickle=meep!
134 Greeting::tickle=/me tickles % back
135 Greeting::tickle=yelp!
136 Greeting::tickleIndex=0
138 Greeting::unhappy=/me sobs
139 Greeting::unhappy=/me cries
140 Greeting::unhappy=*sniff*
141 Greeting::unhappy=but... but...
142 Greeting::unhappy=/me is all sad
143 Greeting::unhappyIndex=0
144 Greeting::veryow=OOOOWWWW!!!
145 Greeting::veryow=GETOFF!!!
146 Greeting::veryow=/me fights back
147 Greeting::veryow=Yikes! I'm being attacked!!
148 Greeting::veryow=/me hits % over the head with a 2-by-4
149 Greeting::veryowIndex=0
150 Greeting::vhappy=OOoh! %!
151 Greeting::vhappy=I love you too, %.
152 Greeting::vhappyIndex=0
153 Greeting::whoami=I am a bot. /msg me the word 'help' for a list of commands.
154 Greeting::yousuck=%: no, *you* suck!
155 Greeting::yousuck=/me pouts
156 Greeting::yousuck=/me cries
157 Greeting::yousuck=/me . o O ( now what have i done... )
158 Greeting::yousuckIndex=0
165 Infobot::channels=#mozbot
166 Infobot::channels=#tu.sepm
167 Infobot::channelsBlocked
169 Infobot::dunnoTimeToLive=604800
170 Infobot::eagerToHelp=1
172 Infobot::maxInChannel=200
176 Infobot::noIdeaDelay=2
178 Infobot::prefixes=I have heard that
180 Infobot::prefixes=Maybe
181 Infobot::prefixes=I seem to recall that
183 Infobot::prefixes=iirc,
185 Infobot::prefixes=Was it not... er, someone, who said:
187 Infobot::prefixes=Well,
188 Infobot::prefixes=um...
189 Infobot::prefixes=Oh, I know this one!
191 Infobot::prefixes=everyone knows that!
193 Infobot::prefixes=hmm... I think
194 Infobot::prefixes=well, duh.
195 Infobot::pruneDelay=120
196 Infobot::queryTimeToLive=600
200 Parrot::channels=#mozbot
201 Parrot::channels=#tu.sepm
202 Parrot::channelsBlocked
204 Admin::allowChannelAdmin=0
205 Admin::allowInviting=1
207 Admin::channelsBlocked
209 Admin::errorMessagesMaxLines=5
210 Admin::files=./mozbot.pl
211 Admin::files=lib/Mails.pm
212 Admin::files=lib/Configuration.pm
213 Admin::files=lib/IO/SecurePipe.pm
214 Admin::sourceCodeCheckDelay=20
217 Bugzilla::backoffTime=1
218 Bugzilla::bugsDWIMQueryChannelDefault
219 Bugzilla::bugsDWIMQueryDefault=short_desc_type=substring&short_desc=
220 Bugzilla::bugsURI=http://sepm.jvales.net/bugzilla/
221 Bugzilla::channelMuteFields
222 Bugzilla::channels=#mozbot
223 Bugzilla::channels=#tu.sepm
224 Bugzilla::channelsBlocked
226 Bugzilla::ignoreCommentsFrom=|
227 Bugzilla::ignoreCommentsTo=
230 Bugzilla::productMuteFields
231 Bugzilla::productReportChannels="Panda"=>#tu.sepm
232 Bugzilla::reportBugDetails=1
233 Bugzilla::reportComponent=all
234 Bugzilla::reportFields=Resolution
235 Bugzilla::reportFields=Flag
236 Bugzilla::reportFields=Attachment Flag
237 Bugzilla::reportFields=NewBug
238 Bugzilla::reportFields=NewAttach
239 Bugzilla::reportFields=Status
240 Bugzilla::reportFields=Summary
241 Bugzilla::reportFields=Priority
242 Bugzilla::skipPrefixFor
243 Bugzilla::updateDelay=1