]> git.somenet.org - somenet/certgen.git/shortlog
2015-02-04 Someonefix dns-altnames breakage
2015-02-04 Someonechanged the way we write dns-alt-names.
2015-02-04 SomeoneSome chmods to make the life easier.
2015-02-04 Someoneadd timestamp to output.
2015-02-04 Someoneexample config file.
2015-02-04 SomeoneScript to autogenerate CSRs and optionally self sign...
2015-02-04 Someonecreated output dir
2015-02-04 git.gitignore
2015-01-20 gitGITOLITE.txt
2015-01-20 gitInitial commit InitialCommit