2 # Someone's FSInf-coin utils.
3 # Copyright (c) 2021 by Someone <someone@somenet.org> (aka. Jan Vales <jan@jvales.net>)
4 # published under MIT-License
7 # 40 12 * * * (cd ~/neo-infcoin-utils/mattermost_awards; ./main.py) &> /tmp/infcoin_awards.log
9 # awards infcoins to mm-posts.
15 import psycopg2.extras
17 from inspect import cleandoc
23 def award_infcoins(user_id, amount, reason_part, reason2=None):
24 infcoin_wallet = json.loads(_load_wallet(config.infcoin_wallet_uid_mappingsdir+"wallet-"+user_id+".json"))
25 if infcoin_wallet["wallet"] != "":
26 r = requests.get(config.infcoin_req_url, {"auth_name":config.infcoin_req_user, "auth_secret":config.infcoin_req_pw, "addr":infcoin_wallet["wallet"], "amount":amount, "reason_uniq":"mm-"+reason_part+", uid="+user_id})
32 def _load_wallet(path, default='{"wallet":""}'):
34 if os.path.isfile(path):
35 with open(path, "r") as f:
42 dbconn = psycopg2.connect(config.dbconnstring)
43 dbconn.set_session(autocommit=False)
46 cur = dbconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
48 UPDATE posts SET props='{"attachments":[{"color":"#38ad69", "text":"User was awarded 1 [Inf-coin](https://mattermost.fsinf.at/fsinf/channels/inf-coin) for this post."}], "infcoin":1}'
49 WHERE (props='' OR props='{}' OR props='{"disable_group_highlight":true}') AND posts.id in (SELECT postid FROM (
50 SELECT count(*) AS cnt, postid, channels.id, posts.userid FROM reactions
51 JOIN posts ON (postid=posts.id) JOIN channels ON (posts.channelid=channels.id) left JOIN teams ON (teams.id=channels.teamid)
52 WHERE posts.deleteat = '0' AND channels.type='O' AND channels.id NOT IN ('4rxjday69jbj8pe5pdcx4ezesr') AND channels.id IN ('9twh9scp47g57dgjat61skni5w','6ry6x1jg73nsfpggpcudiw65hh') AND posts.createat > extract(epoch FROM (NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day'))*1000
53 GROUP BY postid, channels.id, posts.userid
54 ) AS a WHERE cnt >10) RETURNING *
57 for post in cur.fetchall():
58 if award_infcoins(post["userid"], config.infcoin_req_amount, "post, pid="+post["id"], "First Time"):
59 print("awarded: "+post["userid"]+"for post: "+post["id"])
61 print("failed to award: "+post["userid"]+". wallet not set?")
64 # process awarded coins - TODO?
65 cur = dbconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
66 cur.execute("""SELECT id, userid FROM posts WHERE deleteat = 0 AND type='' AND props::jsonb->>'infcoin' = '1'""")
68 for post in cur.fetchall():
69 if award_infcoins(post["userid"], config.infcoin_req_amount, "post, pid="+post["id"], "Later attempt"):
70 print("awarded: "+post["userid"]+"for post: "+post["id"])
72 print("failed to award: "+post["userid"]+". wallet not set?")
76 print("*** committed ***\n")