### Managed by someone's ansible provisioner ###
# Part of: https://git.somenet.org/root/pub/somesible.git
# 2017-2025 by someone <someone@somenet.org>

# This file is a bourne shell snippet, and is sourced by the
# ucf script for configuration.

# Debugging information: The default value is 0 (no debugging
# information is printed). To change the default behavior, uncomment
# the following line and set the value to 1.

# Verbosity: The default value is 0 (quiet). To change the default
# behavior, uncomment the following line and set the value to 1.

# The src directory. This is the directory where the historical
# md5sums for a file are looked for.  Specifically, the historical
# md5sums are looked for in the subdirectory ${filename}.md5sum.d/
# conf_source_dir=/some/path/

# Force the installed file to be retained. The default is have this
# variable unset, which makes the script ask in case of doubt. To
# change the default behavior, uncomment the following line and set
# the value to YES
# conf_force_conffold=YES

# Force the installed file to be overridden. The default is have this
# variable unset, which makes the script ask in case of doubt. To
# change the default behavior, uncomment the following line and set
# the value to YES

# Please note that only one of conf_force_conffold and
# conf_force_conffnew should be set.

# Force the re-creation of deleted config files.