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  http://www.somenet.org - http://forum.somenet.org - contact@somenet.org

  IRC-Services: NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ and HostServ

irc.somenet.org:194  (NORMAL IRC)
irc.somenet.org:6667 (NORMAL IRC)
irc.somenet.org:6697 (SSL)
Due to recent network/server outages on TUWIEN-IRC (irc.htu.tuwien.ac.at)
  SomeNet and IONIC-IRC (irc.ionic.at) linked to TUWIEN-IRC in order to
  prevent TUWIEN-IRC outages when something at fsinf.at fails.

All three networks have now one IRC-Services instance running at
  >>>> services.somenet.org <<<< Update your login scripts.
No person involved with SomeNet takes any responsibility for the opinions
  expressed or the actions taken by users. Absolutely no warranty is
  either expressed or implied.

Due to recent events, we recommend the usage of OTR in ALL private

Read the terms of service at out website: http://www.somenet.org
If you do not agree with these rules, disconnect now.
Channels of interest
  SomeNet network channel. If you need help ask here!

  TUWien network channel and general talk about TU stuff.

  old channel of the student council for computer science/informatics.
  Bot: posting new fsinf.at posts + comments into this channel.

  Bot enforcing originality. If you write something, that has been said
  before, the bot will temp. mute you.

  tuwien-irc idlerpg.