### Managed by someone's ansible provisioner ###
# Part of: https://git.somenet.org/root/pub/somesible.git
# 2017-2025 by someone <someone@somenet.org>

 * First, create the service.
 * Note that an easy way to rename this service is to define{} the client name to something else.
	nick = "Global"
	user = "global"
	host = "services.host"
	gecos = "Global Noticer"
	#modes = "+o"

 * Core Global module.
 * Provides essential functionality for Global.
	name = "global"
	client = "Global"
	globaloncycledown = "Services are restarting, they will be back shortly - please be good while we're gone"
	globaloncycleup = "Services are now back online - have a nice day"
	#anonymousglobal = yes

 * Core Global commands.
 * In Anope modules can provide (multiple) commands, each of which has a unique command name. Once these modules
 * are loaded you can then configure the commands to be added to any client you like with any name you like.
 * Additionally, you may provide a permission name that must be in the opertype of users executing the command.
 * Sane defaults are provided below that do not need to be edited unless you wish to change the default behavior.

/* Give it a help command. */
command { service = "Global"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }

 * gl_global
 * Provides the command global/global.
 * Used for sending a message to every online user.
module { name = "gl_global" }
command { service = "OperServ"; name = "GLOBAL"; command = "global/global"; permission = "operserv/global"; }
command { service = "Global"; name = "GLOBAL"; command = "global/global"; permission = "global/global"; }