##################################### ### someone's ansible provisioner ### ##################################### # Part of: https://git.somenet.org/root/pub/somesible.git # 2017-2025 by someone # # # Playbook for provisioning the base-meta-role for all hosts. Also a reference of our vars. # # This playbook will be executed always: This is a speed optimization. # Host-specific playbooks are meant to extend the base. # --- # TODO: WakeOnLan and wait for the boxes to become ready and continue playbook #- hosts: all # gather_facts: no # tasks: # - name: Send magic Wake-On-Lan packet to turn on individual systems # wakeonlan: # mac: "{{wol_mac}}" # delegate_to: localhost # - when: wol mac, wolip set # # - name: Wait for system to become reachable # wait_for_connection: # - timeout: 600 # - test only 5 sec # - hosts: all become: true # set in inventory file for now. # vars: # # Intended to only be overridden in the commandline, for self-healing - ignore, if we are down. # - ignore_online_errors: False roles: - { role: custom-command, tags: 'cc', when: 'cc is defined' } - { role: cleanup, tags: ['cleanup'], when: 'not cc is defined and cleanup_level|int > 0' } - { role: base, tags: ['base'], when: 'not cc is defined' }