# ################################################ ### Managed by someone's ansible provisioner ### ################################################ # Part of: https://git.somenet.org/root/pub/somesible.git # 2017-2025 by someone <someone@somenet.org> # ######################################################################## # # # ___ ___ ____ ____ _ # # |_ _|_ __ ___ _ __|_ _| _ \ / ___|__| | # # | || '_ \/ __| '_ \| || |_) | | / _` | # # | || | | \__ \ |_) | || _ <| |__| (_| | # # |___|_| |_|___/ .__/___|_| \_\\____\__,_| # # |_| # # ____ __ _ _ _ # # / ___|___ _ __ / _(_) __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ # # | | / _ \| '_ \| |_| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ # # | |__| (_) | | | | _| | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | # # \____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| # # |___/ # # # ######################################################################## # # # Unalphabeticalise the modules list at your own risk # # # ######################################################################## #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- CONNECTIONS CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# # # # This is where you can configure which connections are allowed # # and denied access onto your server. The password is optional. # # You may have as many of these as you require. To allow/deny all # # connections, use a '*' or # # # # -- It is important to note that connect tags are read from the -- # # TOP DOWN. This means that you should have more specific deny # # and allow tags at the top, progressively more general, followed # # by a <connect allow="*" (should you wish to have one). # # # # Connect blocks are searched twice for each user - once when the TCP # # connection is accepted, and once when the user completes their # # registration. Most of the information (hostname, ident response, # # password, SSL when using STARTTLS, etc) is only available during # # the second search, so if you are trying to make a closed server, # # you will probably need a connect block just for user registration. # # This can be done by using <connect registered="no"> # <connect # name: Name to use for this connect block. Mainly used for # connect class inheriting. name="main" # allow: The IP address or hostname of clients that can use this # class. You can specify either an exact match, a glob match, or # a CIDR range here. allow="*" # maxchans: Maximum number of channels a user in this class # can be in at one time. #maxchans="20" # timeout: How long the server will wait before disconnecting # a user if they do not do anything on connect. # (Note, this is a client-side thing, if the client does not # send /NICK, /USER or /PASS) timeout="20" # pingfreq: How often the server tries to ping connecting clients. pingfreq="5m" # hardsendq: maximum amount of data allowed in a client's send queue # before they are dropped. Keep this value higher than the length of # your network's /LIST or /WHO output, or you will have lots of # disconnects from sendq overruns! # Setting this to "1M" is equivalent to "1048576", "8K" is 8192, etc. hardsendq="1M" # softsendq: amount of data in a client's send queue before the server # begins delaying their commands in order to allow the sendq to drain softsendq="10240" # recvq: amount of data allowed in a client's queue before they are dropped. # Entering "10K" is equivalent to "10240", see above. recvq="100K" # threshold: This specifies the amount of command penalty a user is allowed to have # before being quit or fakelagged due to flood. Normal commands have a penalty of 1, # ones such as /OPER have penalties up to 10. # # If you are not using fakelag, this should be at least 20 to avoid excess flood kills # from processing some commands. threshold="20" # commandrate: This specifies the maximum rate that commands can be processed. # If commands are sent more rapidly, the user's penalty will increase and they will # either be fakelagged or killed when they reach the threshold # # Units are millicommands per second, so 1000 means one line per second. commandrate="1000" # fakelag: Use fakelag instead of killing users for excessive flood # # Fake lag stops command processing for a user when a flood is detected rather than # immediately killing them; their commands are held in the recvq and processed later # as the user's command penalty drops. Note that if this is enabled, flooders will # quit with "RecvQ exceeded" rather than "Excess Flood". fakelag="on" # localmax: Maximum local connections per IP. localmax="50" # globalmax: Maximum global (network-wide) connections per IP. globalmax="50" # resolvehostnames: If disabled, no DNS lookups will be performed on connecting users # in this class. This can save a lot of resources on very busy servers. resolvehostnames="yes" # useident: Defines if users in this class must respond to a ident query or not. useident="no" # usests: Whether a STS policy should be advertised to users in this class. # This setting only has effect when the ircv3_sts module is loaded. #usests="no" # limit: How many users are allowed in this class limit="5000" # modes: User modes that are set on users in this block on connect. # Enabling this option requires that the conn_umodes module be loaded. # This entry is highly recommended to use for/with IP cloaking/masking. # For the example to work, this also requires that the cloaking # module be loaded as well. modes="+xi"> <cidr ipv4clone="32" ipv6clone="128"> # MOVED TO global.secret.conf # <include file="/etc/inspircd/global.opers.conf"> # MOVED TO inspircd.secret.conf # <include file="/etc/inspircd/inspircd.links.conf"> <files motd="/etc/inspircd/inspircd.motd"> <channels users="60" opers="64"> <banlist chan="*" limit="128"> #<disabled commands="TOPIC MODE" usermodes="" chanmodes="" fakenonexistant="yes"> <options # prefixquit: What (if anything) users' quit messages # should be prefixed with. prefixquit="Quit: " # suffixquit: What (if anything) users' quit messages # should be suffixed with. suffixquit="" # prefixpart: What (if anything) users' part messages # should be prefixed with. prefixpart=""" # NOTE: Use "\"" instead of """ if not using <config format="xml"> # suffixpart: What (if anything) users' part message # should be suffixed with. suffixpart=""" # fixedquit: Set all users' quit messages to this value. #fixedquit="" # fixedpart: Set all users' part messages in all channels # to this value. #fixedpart="" # syntaxhints: If enabled, if a user fails to send the correct parameters # for a command, the ircd will give back some help text of what # the correct parameters are. syntaxhints="yes" # casemapping: This sets the case mapping method to be used by the # server. This MUST be the same on all servers. Possible values are: # "ascii" (recommended) # "rfc1459" (default, required for linking to 2.0 servers) # NOTE: if you are using the nationalchars module this setting will be # ignored. You should use <nationalchars:casemapping> instead. casemapping="ascii" # cyclehostsfromuser: If enabled, the source of the mode change for # cyclehosts will be the user who cycled. This can look nicer, but # triggers anti-takeover mechanisms of some obsolete bots. cyclehostsfromuser="no" # announcets: If set to yes, when the timestamp on a channel changes, all users # in the channel will be sent a NOTICE about it. announcets="yes" # allowmismatch: Setting this option to yes will allow servers to link even # if they don't have the same "optionally common" modules loaded. Setting this to # yes may introduce some desyncs and unwanted behaviour. allowmismatch="no" # defaultbind: Sets the default for <bind> tags without an address. Choices are # ipv4 or ipv6; if not specified, IPv6 will be used if your system has support, # falling back to IPv4 otherwise. defaultbind="ipv4" # hostintopic: If enabled, channels will show the host of the topic setter # in the topic. If set to no, it will only show the nick of the topic setter. hostintopic="yes" # pingwarning: If a server does not respond to a ping within this period, # it will send a notice to opers with snomask +l informing that the server # is about to ping timeout. pingwarning="15" # serverpingfreq: How often pings are sent between servers. serverpingfreq="1m" # splitwhois: Whether to split private/secret channels from normal channels # in WHOIS responses. Possible values for this are: # 'no' - list all channels together in the WHOIS response regardless of type. # 'split' - split private/secret channels to a separate WHOIS response numeric. # 'splitmsg' - the same as split but also send a message explaining the split. splitwhois="no" # defaultmodes: What modes are set on a empty channel when a user # joins it and it is unregistered. defaultmodes="not" # xlinemessage: This is the text that is sent to a user when they are # banned from the server. xlinemessage="You're banned! Email irc@example.com with the ERROR line below for help." # allowzerolimit: If enabled then allow a limit of 0 to be set on channels. # This is non-standard behaviour and should only be enabled if you need to # link with servers running 2.0. Defaults to yes. allowzerolimit="yes" # modesinlist: If enabled then the current channel modes will be shown # in the /LIST response. Defaults to yes. modesinlist="yes" # exemptchanops: Allows users with with a status mode to be exempt # from various channel restrictions. Possible restrictions are: # - anticaps Channel mode +B - blocks messages with too many capital # letters (requires the anticaps module). # - auditorium-see Permission required to see the full user list of # a +u channel (requires the auditorium module). # - auditorium-vis Permission required to be visible in a +u channel # (requires the auditorium module). # - blockcaps Channel mode +B - blocks messages with too many capital # letters (requires the blockcaps module). # - blockcolor Channel mode +c - blocks messages with formatting codes # (requires the blockcolor module). # - censor Channel mode +G - censors messages based on the network # configuration (requires the censor module). # - filter Channel mode +g - blocks messages containing the given # glob mask (requires the chanfilter module). # - flood Channel mode +f - kicks (and bans) on text flood of a # specified rate (requires the messageflood module). # - nickflood Channel mode +F - blocks nick changes after a specified # rate (requires the nickflood module). # - noctcp Channel mode +C - blocks any CTCPs to the channel # (requires the noctcp module). # - nonick Channel mode +N - prevents users on the channel from # changing nicks (requires the nonicks module). # - nonotice Channel mode +T - blocks /NOTICEs to the channel # (requires the nonotice module). # - regmoderated Channel mode +M - blocks unregistered users from # speaking (requires the services account module). # - stripcolor Channel mode +S - strips formatting codes from # messages (requires the stripcolor module). # - topiclock Channel mode +t - limits changing the topic to (half)ops # You can also configure this on a per-channel basis with a channel mode. # See m_exemptchanops in modules.conf.example for more details. exemptchanops="censor:o filter:o nickflood:o nonick:v regmoderated:o" # invitebypassmodes: This allows /INVITE to bypass other channel modes. # (Such as +k, +j, +l, etc.) invitebypassmodes="yes" # nosnoticestack: This prevents snotices from 'stacking' and giving you # the message saying '(last message repeated X times)'. Defaults to no. nosnoticestack="no"> <security # allowcoreunload: If this value is set to yes, Opers will be able to # unload core modules (e.g. core_privmsg). allowcoreunload="no" # announceinvites: This option controls which members of the channel # receive an announcement when someone is INVITEd. Available values: # 'none' - don't send invite announcements # 'all' - send invite announcements to all members # 'ops' - send invite announcements to ops and higher ranked users # 'dynamic' - send invite announcements to halfops (if available) and # higher ranked users. This is the recommended setting. announceinvites="dynamic" # hideulines: If this value is set to yes, U-lined servers will # be hidden from non-opers in /LINKS and /MAP. hideulines="no" # flatlinks: If this value is set to yes, /MAP and /LINKS will # be flattened when shown to non-opers. flatlinks="no" # hideserver: When defined, the given text will be used in place # of the server name in public messages. As with <server:name> this # does not need to resolve but does need to be a valid hostname. # # NOTE: enabling this will cause users' idle times to only be shown # when a remote whois (/WHOIS <nick> <nick>) is used. #hideserver="*.example.com" # hidebans: If this value is set to yes, when a user is banned ([KGZ]-lined) # only opers will see the ban message when the user is removed # from the server. hidebans="no" # hidekills: If defined, replaces who executed a /KILL with a custom string. hidekills="" # hideulinekills: Hide kills from clients of ulined servers from server notices. hideulinekills="yes" # hidesplits: If enabled, non-opers will not be able to see which # servers split in a netsplit, they will only be able to see that one # occurred (If their client has netsplit detection). hidesplits="no" # maxtargets: Maximum number of targets per command. # (Commands like /NOTICE, /PRIVMSG, /KICK, etc) maxtargets="20" # customversion: A custom message to be displayed in the comments field # of the VERSION command response. This does not hide the InspIRCd version. customversion="" # runasuser: If this is set, InspIRCd will attempt to switch # to run as this user, which allows binding of ports under 1024. # You should NOT set this unless you are starting as root. # NOT SUPPORTED/NEEDED UNDER WINDOWS. #runasuser="" # runasgroup: If this is set, InspIRCd will attempt to switch # to run as this group, which allows binding of ports under 1024. # You should NOT set this unless you are starting as root. # NOT SUPPORTED/NEEDED UNDER WINDOWS. #runasgroup="" # restrictbannedusers: If this is set to yes, InspIRCd will not allow users # banned on a channel to change nickname or message channels they are # banned on. This can also be set to silent to restrict the user but not # notify them. restrictbannedusers="yes" # genericoper: Setting this value to yes makes all opers on this server # appear as 'is a server operator' in their WHOIS, regardless of their # oper type, however oper types are still used internally. This only # affects the display in WHOIS. genericoper="no" # userstats: /STATS commands that users can run (opers can run all). userstats="PugkqZR"> <limits maxnick="30" maxchan="64" maxmodes="20" maxident="10" maxhost="64" maxquit="255" maxtopic="307" maxkick="255" maxreal="128" maxaway="200"> #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# # Logging # ------- # # Logging is covered with the <log> tag, which you may use to change # the behaviour of the logging of the IRCd. # # An example log tag would be: # <log method="file" type="OPER" level="default" target="opers.log"> # which would log all information on /OPER (failed and successful) to # a file called opers.log. # # There are many different types which may be used, and modules may # generate their own. A list of useful types: # - USERS - information relating to user connection and disconnection # - OPER - successful and failed oper attempts # - KILL - kill related messages # - FILTER - messages related to filter matches (filter module) # - CONFIG - configuration related messages # - COMMAND - die and restart messages, and messages related to unknown user types # - SOCKET - socket engine informational/error messages # - MODULE - module related messages # - STARTUP - messages related to starting up the server # # You may also log *everything* by using a type of *, and subtract things out # of that by using -TYPE - for example "* -USERINPUT -USEROUTPUT". # # Useful levels are: # - default (general messages, including errors) # - sparse (misc error messages) # - debug (debug messages) # # Some types only produce output in the debug level, those are: # - BANCACHE - ban cache debug messages # - CHANNELS - information relating to joining/creating channels # - CULLLIST - debug messages related to issues with removing users # - RESOLVER - DNS related debug messages # - CONNECTCLASS - Connection class debug messages # - USERINPUT # - USEROUTPUT # # If your server is producing a high levels of log messages you can also set the # flush="[positive number]" attribute to specify how many log messages should be # buffered before flushing to disk. You should probably not specify this unless # you are having problems. # # The following log tag is highly default and uncustomised. It is recommended you # sort out your own log tags. This is just here so you get some output. #<log method="file" type="* -USERINPUT -USEROUTPUT" level="default" target="/tmp/ircd.log"> <whowas groupsize="100" maxgroups="100000" maxkeep="90d"> <badnick nick="BotServ" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <badnick nick="ChanServ" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <badnick nick="Global" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <badnick nick="HostServ" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <badnick nick="MemoServ" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <badnick nick="NickServ" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <badnick nick="OperServ" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <badnick nick="StatServ" reason="Reserved for a network service"> <exemptfromfilter target="BotServ"> <exemptfromfilter target="ChanServ"> <exemptfromfilter target="Global"> <exemptfromfilter target="HostServ"> <exemptfromfilter target="MemoServ"> <exemptfromfilter target="NickServ"> <exemptfromfilter target="OperServ"> <exemptfromfilter target="StatServ"> <badhost host="root@*" reason="Don't irc as root!"> #<badhost host="*@" reason="This subnet is bad."> <exception host="*@localhost" reason="Never block localhost."> <exception host="*@" reason="Never block localhost."> #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- INSANE BAN OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# # # # This optional tag allows you to specify how wide a gline, eline, # # kline, zline or qline can be before it is forbidden from being # # set. By setting hostmasks="yes", you can allow all G, K, E lines, # # no matter how many users the ban would cover. This is not # # recommended! By setting ipmasks="yes", you can allow all Z lines, # # no matter how many users these cover too. Needless to say we # # don't recommend you do this, or, set nickmasks="yes", which will # # allow any qline. # # # <insane # hostmasks: Allow bans with insane hostmasks. (over-reaching bans) hostmasks="no" # ipmasks: Allow bans with insane ipmasks. (over-reaching bans) ipmasks="no" # nickmasks: Allow bans with insane nickmasks. (over-reaching bans) nickmasks="no" # trigger: What percentage of users on the network to trigger # specifying an insane ban as. The default is 95.5%, which means # if you have a 1000 user network, a ban will not be allowed if it # will be banning 955 or more users. trigger="95.5"> <include file="/etc/inspircd/global.modules.conf"> <include file="/etc/inspircd/global.secret.conf">