##################################### ### someone's ansible provisioner ### ##################################### # 2017 by someone # --- - name: install tor apt: pkg: - tor state: present policy_rc_d: 101 when: setup_tor | bool tags: "online" ignore_errors: "{{ignore_online_errors | bool}}" - name: copy torrc copy: src: "{{item}}" dest: "/etc/tor/torrc" mode: 0600 owner: "debian-tor" group: "debian-tor" with_first_found: - "{{lookup('env','PWD')}}/host_files/{{inventory_hostname}}/{{role_name}}/torrc" - "{{lookup('env','PWD')}}/group_files/{{group_files_group}}/{{role_name}}/torrc" - "{{lookup('env','PWD')}}/group_files/all/{{role_name}}/torrc" - "default/torrc" when: setup_tor | bool notify: restart tor.service # for each hidserv do a with first found. - include_tasks: configure-hidserv.yml with_items: "{{hidden_services}}" loop_control: loop_var: hs when: setup_tor | bool - name: enable and start tor.service include_role: name="base/systemd/enable-and-start" vars: service_name: tor.service when: setup_tor | bool