# # Someone's Mattermost scripts. # Copyright (c) 2016-2022 by Someone <someone@somenet.org> (aka. Jan Vales <jan@jvales.net>) # published under MIT-License # # Example config file. # mv to config.py.examle config.py + edit. # #################################################################################################### # currently everything is done here and main.py is only used by the init script to launch the bot. # #################################################################################################### import logging logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO, format = "%(levelname)s::%(message)s") #logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, format = "%(asctime)s::%(levelname)s::%(message)s") from MMBot import * from CoreCommandUse import * bot = MMBot(api_user="...", api_user_pw="...", local_websrv_hostname="bot\"s hostname", local_websrv_port=18065, mm_api_url="http://mattermostserver:8065/api", mm_ws_url="ws://mattermostserver:8065/api/v4/websocket") # local_websrv_hostname = None or local_websrv_port = None to disable bot-local webserver # mm_ws_url = None to disable websocket client bot.admin_ids = ["..."] # user_ids of bot admins. Basically useless. bot.teams = { # "bot-internal-alias": ["<team_id>", <allow bot to add users to team>], "some team": ["...", False], "other team":["...", True], } # global commands for _,team_info in bot.teams.items(): bot.register(CoreCommandUse(team_info[0])) # websocket handlers bot.register_ws(WSOnboarding(), ["new_user"]) # non-global commands bot.register(CommandTissJoin(bot.teams["other team"]))