3 \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
4 \item\textbf{Write a MapReduce job which takes as input the checkout records and
5 computes the following:\\
6 For each author, list the title that was checked out (borrowed) the most}\\
9 \begin{verbatim}rsync -vaPp --delete ~/gitstuff/adbs/ex2/mapreduce/ \
10 e726236f@lbd.zserv.tuwien.ac.at:mapreduce/; \
11 ssh -t e726236f@lbd.zserv.tuwien.ac.at "cd mapreduce; ./build_run.sh '_ex1a' \
12 '/user/adbs/2019S/shared/seattle-checkouts-by-title/checkouts-by-title.csv'"
16 http://localhost:19888/jobhistory/job/job\_1557406089646\_5204\\
20 HDFS: Number of bytes read: 7118531360\\
21 HDFS: Number of bytes written: 28695222\\
22 Map input records: 32723546\\
23 Reduce output records: 324418\\
25 \item\textbf{Write a MapReduce job which takes as input both the library inventory
26 and the checkout records and computes the following:\\
27 For each author, list the title that was checked out (borrowed) the most}\\
30 \begin{verbatim}rsync -vaPp --delete ~/gitstuff/adbs/ex2/mapreduce/ \
31 e726236f@lbd.zserv.tuwien.ac.at:mapreduce/; \
32 ssh -t e726236f@lbd.zserv.tuwien.ac.at "cd mapreduce; ./build_run.sh '_ex2a' \
33 '/user/adbs/2019S/shared/seattle-checkouts-by-title/checkouts-by-title.csv' \
34 '/user/adbs/2019S/shared/seattle-library-collection-inventory/library-collection-inventory.csv'"
38 http://localhost:19888/jobhistory/job/job\_1557406089646\_5309\\
41 HDFS: Number of bytes read: 14621528936\\
42 HDFS: Number of bytes written: 52724095\\
43 Map input records: 55563180\\
44 Reduce output records: 183399\\