#!/bin/bash # # run-mozbot-from-crontab: Script for restarting mozbot from crontab # Originally written by Joel Thornton # # This is good to use in your crontab for rebooting the bot # automagically upon its untimely demise. Use a line such as this in # your crontab: # # 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * $HOME/mozbot/run-mozbot-from-crontab # # Change the paths to your mozbot accordingly above and in the next # line. cd $HOME/mozbot # Create an empty .pid file first if it doesn't exist. touch ./mozbot.pid ps -C mozbot.pl -o pid= | grep "`cat ./mozbot.pid`" || ( ( ./mozbot.pl >& /dev/null & ) ; ps -C mozbot.pl -o pid= | head --lines=1 > ./mozbot.pid )