function getConfig(force, config_changed) if not global.auto_research_config then global.auto_research_config = {} -- Disable Research Queue popup if remote.interfaces.RQ and remote.interfaces.RQ["popup"] then"RQ", "popup", false) end end if not global.auto_research_config[] then global.auto_research_config[] = { prioritized_techs = {}, -- "prioritized" is "queued". kept for backwards compatability (because i'm lazy and don't want migration code) deprioritized_techs = {} -- "deprioritized" is "blacklisted". kept for backwards compatability (because i'm lazy and don't want migration code) } -- Enable Auto Research setAutoResearch(force, true) -- Disable queued only setQueuedOnly(force, false) -- Allow switching research setAllowSwitching(force, true) -- Print researched technology setAnnounceCompletedResearch(force, true) end -- set research strategy global.auto_research_config[].research_strategy = global.auto_research_config[].research_strategy or "balanced" if config_changed or not global.auto_research_config[].allowed_ingredients or not global.auto_research_config[].infinite_research then -- remember any old ingredients local old_ingredients = {} if global.auto_research_config[].allowed_ingredients then for name, enabled in pairs(global.auto_research_config[].allowed_ingredients) do old_ingredients[name] = enabled end end -- find all possible tech ingredients -- also scan for research that are infinite: techs that have no successor and tech.research_unit_count_formula is not nil global.auto_research_config[].allowed_ingredients = {} global.auto_research_config[].infinite_research = {} local finite_research = {} for _, tech in pairs(force.technologies) do for _, ingredient in pairs(tech.research_unit_ingredients) do global.auto_research_config[].allowed_ingredients[] = (old_ingredients[] == nil or old_ingredients[]) end if tech.research_unit_count_formula then global.auto_research_config[].infinite_research[] = tech end for _, pretech in pairs(tech.prerequisites) do if pretech.enabled and not pretech.researched then finite_research[] = true end end end for techname, _ in pairs(finite_research) do global.auto_research_config[].infinite_research[techname] = nil end end return global.auto_research_config[] end function setAutoResearch(force, enabled) if not force then return end local config = getConfig(force) config.enabled = enabled force.research_queue_enabled = not enabled if enabled then -- start new research startNextResearch(force) end end function setQueuedOnly(force, enabled) if not force then return end getConfig(force).prioritized_only = enabled -- start new research startNextResearch(force) end function setAllowSwitching(force, enabled) if not force then return end getConfig(force).allow_switching = enabled -- start new research startNextResearch(force) end function setAnnounceCompletedResearch(force, enabled) if not force then return end getConfig(force).announce_completed = enabled end function setDeprioritizeInfiniteTech(force, enabled) if not force then return end getConfig(force).deprioritize_infinite_tech = enabled -- start new research startNextResearch(force) end function getPretechs(tech) local pretechs = {} pretechs[#pretechs + 1] = tech local index = 1 while (index <= #pretechs) do for _, pretech in pairs(pretechs[index].prerequisites) do if pretech.enabled and not pretech.researched then pretechs[#pretechs + 1] = pretech end end index = index + 1 end return pretechs end function canResearch(force, tech, config) if not tech or tech.researched or not tech.enabled then return false end for _, pretech in pairs(tech.prerequisites) do if not pretech.researched then return false end end for _, ingredient in pairs(tech.research_unit_ingredients) do if not config.allowed_ingredients[] then return false end end for _, deprioritized in pairs(config.deprioritized_techs) do if == deprioritized then return false end end return true end function startNextResearch(force, override_spam_detection) local config = getConfig(force) if not config.enabled or (force.current_research and not config.allow_switching) or (not override_spam_detection and config.last_research_finish_tick == game.tick) then return end config.last_research_finish_tick = game.tick -- if multiple research finish same tick for same force, the user probably enabled all techs -- function for calculating tech effort local calcEffort = function(tech) local ingredientCount = function(ingredients) local tech_ingredients = 0 for _, ingredient in pairs(tech.research_unit_ingredients) do tech_ingredients = tech_ingredients + ingredient.amount end return tech_ingredients end local effort = 0 if config.research_strategy == "fast" then effort = math.max(tech.research_unit_energy, 1) * math.max(tech.research_unit_count, 1) elseif config.research_strategy == "slow" then effort = math.max(tech.research_unit_energy, 1) * math.max(tech.research_unit_count, 1) * -1 elseif config.research_strategy == "cheap" then effort = math.max(ingredientCount(tech.research_unit_ingredients), 1) * math.max(tech.research_unit_count, 1) elseif config.research_strategy == "expensive" then effort = math.max(ingredientCount(tech.research_unit_ingredients), 1) * math.max(tech.research_unit_count, 1) * -1 elseif config.research_strategy == "balanced" then effort = math.max(tech.research_unit_count, 1) * math.max(tech.research_unit_energy, 1) * math.max(ingredientCount(tech.research_unit_ingredients), 1) else effort = math.random(1, 999) end if (config.deprioritize_infinite_tech and config.infinite_research[]) then return effort * (effort > 0 and 1000 or -1000) else return effort end end -- see if there are some techs we should research first local next_research = nil local least_effort = nil for _, techname in pairs(config.prioritized_techs) do local tech = force.technologies[techname] if tech and not next_research then local pretechs = getPretechs(tech) for _, pretech in pairs(pretechs) do local effort = calcEffort(pretech) if (not least_effort or effort < least_effort) and canResearch(force, pretech, config) then next_research = least_effort = effort end end end end -- if no queued tech should be researched then research the "least effort" tech not researched yet if not config.prioritized_only and not next_research then for techname, tech in pairs(force.technologies) do if tech.enabled and not tech.researched then local effort = calcEffort(tech) if (not least_effort or effort < least_effort) and canResearch(force, tech, config) then next_research = techname least_effort = effort end end end end if next_research then force.add_research(next_research) end end function onResearchFinished(event) local force = event.research.force local config = getConfig(force) -- remove researched stuff from prioritized_techs and deprioritized_techs for i = #config.prioritized_techs, 1, -1 do local tech = force.technologies[config.prioritized_techs[i]] if not tech or tech.researched then table.remove(config.prioritized_techs, i) end end for i = #config.deprioritized_techs, 1, -1 do local tech = force.technologies[config.deprioritized_techs[i]] if not tech or tech.researched then table.remove(config.deprioritized_techs, i) end end -- announce completed research if config.announce_completed and config.no_announce_this_tick ~= game.tick then if config.last_research_finish_tick == game.tick then config.no_announce_this_tick = game.tick else local level = "" if event.research.research_unit_count_formula then level = (event.research.researched and event.research.level) or (event.research.level - 1) end force.print{"auto_research.announce_completed", event.research.localised_name, level} end end startNextResearch(event.research.force) end -- user interface gui = { toggleGui = function(player) if then else local force = player.force local config = getConfig(force) local frame ={ type = "frame", name = "auto_research_gui", direction = "vertical", caption = {"auto_research_gui.title"} } local frameflow = frame.add{ type = "flow", style = "auto_research_list_flow", name = "flow", direction = "vertical" } -- checkboxes frameflow.add{type = "checkbox", name = "auto_research_enabled", caption = {"auto_research_gui.enabled"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.enabled_tooltip"}, state = config.enabled or false} frameflow.add{type = "checkbox", name = "auto_research_queued_only", caption = {"auto_research_gui.prioritized_only"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.prioritized_only_tooltip"}, state = config.prioritized_only or false} frameflow.add{type = "checkbox", name = "auto_research_allow_switching", caption = {"auto_research_gui.allow_switching"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.allow_switching_tooltip"}, state = config.allow_switching or false} frameflow.add{type = "checkbox", name = "auto_research_announce_completed", caption = {"auto_research_gui.announce_completed"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.announce_completed_tooltip"}, state = config.announce_completed or false} frameflow.add{type = "checkbox", name = "auto_research_deprioritize_infinite_tech", caption = {"auto_research_gui.deprioritize_infinite_tech"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.deprioritize_infinite_tech_tooltip"}, state = config.deprioritize_infinite_tech or false} -- research strategy frameflow.add{ type = "label", style = "auto_research_header_label", caption = {"auto_research_gui.research_strategy"} } local research_strategies_outer = frameflow.add{ type = "flow", style = "auto_research_tech_flow", name = "research_strategies_outer", direction = "horizontal" } local research_strategies_left = research_strategies_outer.add{ type = "flow", style = "auto_research_list_flow", name = "research_strategies_left", direction = "vertical" } research_strategies_left.add{type = "radiobutton", name = "auto_research_research_fast", caption = {"auto_research_gui.research_fast"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.research_fast_tooltip"}, state = config.research_strategy == "fast"} research_strategies_left.add{type = "radiobutton", name = "auto_research_research_cheap", caption = {"auto_research_gui.research_cheap"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.research_cheap_tooltip"}, state = config.research_strategy == "cheap"} research_strategies_left.add{type = "radiobutton", name = "auto_research_research_balanced", caption = {"auto_research_gui.research_balanced"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.research_balanced_tooltip"}, state = config.research_strategy == "balanced"} local research_strategies_right = research_strategies_outer.add{ type = "flow", style = "auto_research_list_flow", name = "research_strategies_right", direction = "vertical" } = 15 research_strategies_right.add{type = "radiobutton", name = "auto_research_research_slow", caption = {"auto_research_gui.research_slow"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.research_slow_tooltip"}, state = config.research_strategy == "slow"} research_strategies_right.add{type = "radiobutton", name = "auto_research_research_expensive", caption = {"auto_research_gui.research_expensive"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.research_expensive_tooltip"}, state = config.research_strategy == "expensive"} research_strategies_right.add{type = "radiobutton", name = "auto_research_research_random", caption = {"auto_research_gui.research_random"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.research_random_tooltip"}, state = config.research_strategy == "random"} -- allowed ingredients frameflow.add{ type = "label", style = "auto_research_header_label", caption = {"auto_research_gui.allowed_ingredients_label"} } local allowed_ingredients = frameflow.add{ type = "flow", style = "auto_research_list_flow", name = "allowed_ingredients", direction = "vertical" } gui.updateAllowedIngredientsList(, player, config) -- prioritized techs frameflow.add{ type = "label", style = "auto_research_header_label", caption = {"auto_research_gui.prioritized_label"} } local prioritized = frameflow.add{ type = "scroll-pane", name = "prioritized", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto" } = 5 = 5 = 127 -- draw prioritized tech list gui.updateTechnologyList(, config.prioritized_techs, player, true) -- deprioritized techs frameflow.add{ type = "label", style = "auto_research_header_label", caption = {"auto_research_gui.deprioritized_label"} } local deprioritized = frameflow.add{ type = "scroll-pane", name = "deprioritized", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto" } = 5 = 5 = 127 -- draw deprioritized tech list gui.updateTechnologyList(, config.deprioritized_techs, player) -- search for techs local searchflow = frameflow.add{ type = "flow", name = "searchflow", style = "auto_research_tech_flow", direction = "horizontal" } searchflow.add{ type = "label", style = "auto_research_header_label", caption = {"auto_research_gui.search_label"} } searchflow.add{ type = "textfield", name = "auto_research_search_text", tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.search_tooltip"} } local searchoptionsflow = frameflow.add{ type = "flow", name = "searchoptionsflow", style = "auto_research_tech_flow", direction = "horizontal" } searchoptionsflow.add{ type = "checkbox", name = "auto_research_ingredients_filter_search_results", caption = {"auto_research_gui.ingredients_filter_search_results"}, tooltip = {"auto_research_gui.ingredients_filter_search_results_tooltip"}, state = config.filter_search_results or false } local search = frameflow.add{ type = "scroll-pane", name = "search", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto" } = 5 = 5 = 127 -- draw search result list gui.updateSearchResult(player, "") end end, onCheckboxClick = function(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local force = player.force local name = if name == "auto_research_enabled" then setAutoResearch(force, event.element.state) elseif name == "auto_research_queued_only" then setQueuedOnly(force, event.element.state) elseif name == "auto_research_allow_switching" then setAllowSwitching(force, event.element.state) elseif name == "auto_research_announce_completed" then setAnnounceCompletedResearch(force, event.element.state) elseif name == "auto_research_deprioritize_infinite_tech" then setDeprioritizeInfiniteTech(force, event.element.state) elseif name == "auto_research_ingredients_filter_search_results" then local config = getConfig(force) config.filter_search_results = event.element.state gui.updateSearchResult(player, end end, onClick = function(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local force = player.force local config = getConfig(force) local name = if name == "auto_research_search_text" then if event.button == defines.mouse_button_type.right then = "" gui.updateSearchResult(player, end elseif string.find(name, "auto_research_research") then config.research_strategy = string.match(name, "^auto_research_research_(.*)$") = (config.research_strategy == "fast") = (config.research_strategy == "cheap") = (config.research_strategy == "balanced") = (config.research_strategy == "slow") = (config.research_strategy == "expensive") = (config.research_strategy == "random") -- start new research startNextResearch(force) else local prefix, name = string.match(name, "^auto_research_([^-]*)-(.*)$") if prefix == "allow_ingredient" then config.allowed_ingredients[name] = not config.allowed_ingredients[name] gui.updateAllowedIngredientsList(, player, config) if then gui.updateSearchResult(player, end startNextResearch(force) elseif name and force.technologies[name] then -- remove tech from prioritized list for i = #config.prioritized_techs, 1, -1 do if config.prioritized_techs[i] == name then table.remove(config.prioritized_techs, i) end end -- and from deprioritized list for i = #config.deprioritized_techs, 1, -1 do if config.deprioritized_techs[i] == name then table.remove(config.deprioritized_techs, i) end end if prefix == "queue_top" then -- add tech to top of prioritized list table.insert(config.prioritized_techs, 1, name) elseif prefix == "queue_bottom" then -- add tech to bottom of prioritized list table.insert(config.prioritized_techs, name) elseif prefix == "blacklist" then -- add tech to list of deprioritized techs table.insert(config.deprioritized_techs, name) end gui.updateTechnologyList(, config.prioritized_techs, player, true) gui.updateTechnologyList(, config.deprioritized_techs, player) gui.updateSearchResult(player, -- start new research startNextResearch(force) end end end, updateAllowedIngredientsList = function(flow, player, config) local counter = 1 while flow["flow" .. counter] do flow["flow" .. counter].destroy() counter = counter + 1 end counter = 1 for ingredientname, allowed in pairs(config.allowed_ingredients) do local flowname = "flow" .. math.floor(counter / 10) + 1 local ingredientflow = flow[flowname] if not ingredientflow then ingredientflow = flow.add { type = "flow", style = "auto_research_tech_flow", name = flowname, direction = "horizontal" } end local sprite = "auto_research_tool_" .. ingredientname if not player.gui.is_valid_sprite_path(sprite) then sprite = "auto_research_unknown" end ingredientflow.add{type = "sprite-button", style = "auto_research_sprite_button_toggle" .. (allowed and "_pressed" or ""), name = "auto_research_allow_ingredient-" .. ingredientname, tooltip = {"item-name." .. ingredientname}, sprite = sprite} counter = counter + 1 end end, updateTechnologyList = function(scrollpane, technologies, player, show_queue_buttons) if scrollpane.flow then scrollpane.flow.destroy() end local flow = scrollpane.add{ type = "flow", style = "auto_research_list_flow", name = "flow", direction = "vertical" } if #technologies > 0 then for _, techname in pairs(technologies) do local tech = player.force.technologies[techname] if tech then local entryflow = flow.add{type = "flow", style = "auto_research_tech_flow", direction = "horizontal"} if show_queue_buttons then entryflow.add{type = "sprite-button", style = "auto_research_sprite_button", name = "auto_research_queue_top-" .. techname, sprite = "auto_research_prioritize_top"} entryflow.add{type = "sprite-button", style = "auto_research_sprite_button", name = "auto_research_queue_bottom-" .. techname, sprite = "auto_research_prioritize_bottom"} end entryflow.add{type = "sprite-button", style = "auto_research_sprite_button", name = "auto_research_delete-" .. techname, sprite = "auto_research_delete"} entryflow.add{type = "label", style = "auto_research_tech_label", caption = tech.localised_name} for _, ingredient in pairs(tech.research_unit_ingredients) do local sprite = "auto_research_tool_" .. if not player.gui.is_valid_sprite_path(sprite) then sprite = "auto_research_unknown" end entryflow.add{type = "sprite", style = "auto_research_sprite", sprite = sprite} end end end else local entryflow = flow.add{type = "flow", direction = "horizontal"} entryflow.add{type = "label", caption = {"auto_research_gui.none"}} end end, updateSearchResult = function(player, text) local scrollpane = if scrollpane.flow then scrollpane.flow.destroy() end local flow = scrollpane.add{ type = "flow", style = "auto_research_list_flow", name = "flow", direction = "vertical" } local ingredients_filter = local config = getConfig(player.force) local shown = 0 text = string.lower(text) -- NOTICE: localised name matching does not work at present, pending unlikely changes to Factorio API for name, tech in pairs(player.force.technologies) do if not tech.researched and tech.enabled then local showtech = false if string.find(string.lower(name), text, 1, true) then -- show techs that match by name showtech = true -- elseif string.find(string.lower(game.technology_prototypes[name].localised_name), text, 1, true) then -- -- show techs that match by localised name -- showtech = true else for _, effect in pairs(tech.effects) do if string.find(effect.type, text, 1, true) then -- show techs that match by effect type showtech = true elseif effect.type == "unlock-recipe" then if string.find(effect.recipe, text, 1, true) then -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe name showtech = true -- elseif string.find(string.lower(game.recipe_prototypes[effect.recipe].localised_name), text, 1, true) then -- -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe localised name -- showtech = true else for _, product in pairs(game.recipe_prototypes[effect.recipe].products) do if string.find(, text, 1, true) then -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product name showtech = true -- elseif string.find(string.lower(game.item_prototypes[].localised_name), text, 1, true) then -- -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product localised name -- showtech = true else local prototype = game.item_prototypes[] if prototype then if prototype.place_result then if string.find(, text, 1, true) then -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product placed entity name showtech = true -- elseif string.find(string.lower(game.entity_prototypes[].localised_name), text, 1, true) then -- -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product placed entity localised name -- showtech = true end elseif prototype.place_as_equipment_result then if string.find(, text, 1, true) then -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product placed equipment name showtech = true -- elseif string.find(string.lower(game.equipment_prototypes[].localised_name), text, 1, true) then -- -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product placed equipment localised name -- showtech = true end elseif prototype.place_as_tile_result then if string.find(, text, 1, true) then -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product placed tile name showtech = true -- elseif string.find(string.lower(prototype.place_as_tile_result.result.localised_name), text, 1, true) then -- -- show techs that match by unlocked recipe product placed tile localised name -- showtech = true end end end end end end end end end if showtech and config.prioritized_techs then for _, queued_tech in pairs(config.prioritized_techs) do if name == queued_tech then showtech = false break end end end if showtech and config.deprioritized_techs then for _, blacklisted_tech in pairs(config.deprioritized_techs) do if name == blacklisted_tech then showtech = false break end end end if showtech and ingredients_filter then for _, ingredient in pairs(tech.research_unit_ingredients) do if not config.allowed_ingredients[] then -- filter out techs that require disallowed ingredients (optional) showtech = false end end end if showtech then shown = shown + 1 local entryflow = flow.add{type = "flow", style = "auto_research_tech_flow", direction = "horizontal"} entryflow.add{type = "sprite-button", style = "auto_research_sprite_button", name = "auto_research_queue_top-" .. name, sprite = "auto_research_prioritize_top"} entryflow.add{type = "sprite-button", style = "auto_research_sprite_button", name = "auto_research_queue_bottom-" .. name, sprite = "auto_research_prioritize_bottom"} entryflow.add{type = "sprite-button", style = "auto_research_sprite_button", name = "auto_research_blacklist-" .. name, sprite = "auto_research_deprioritize"} entryflow.add{type = "label", style = "auto_research_tech_label", name = name, caption = tech.localised_name} for _, ingredient in pairs(tech.research_unit_ingredients) do local sprite = "auto_research_tool_" .. if not player.gui.is_valid_sprite_path(sprite) then sprite = "auto_research_unknown" end entryflow.add{type = "sprite", style = "auto_research_sprite", sprite = sprite} end end end end end } -- event hooks script.on_configuration_changed(function() for _, force in pairs(game.forces) do getConfig(force, true) -- triggers initialization of force config end end) script.on_event(, function(event) local force = game.players[event.player_index].force local config = getConfig(force) -- triggers initialization of force config -- set any default queued/blacklisted techs local queued_tech = settings.get_player_settings(game.players[event.player_index])["queued-tech-setting"].value for tech in string.gmatch(queued_tech, "[^,$]+") do tech = string.gsub(tech, "%s+", "") if force.technologies[tech] and force.technologies[tech].enabled and not force.technologies[tech].researched then table.insert(config.prioritized_techs, tech) end end local blacklisted_tech = settings.get_player_settings(game.players[event.player_index])["blacklisted-tech-setting"].value for tech in string.gmatch(blacklisted_tech, "[^,$]+") do tech = string.gsub(tech, "%s+", "") if force.technologies[tech] and force.technologies[tech].enabled and not force.technologies[tech].researched then table.insert(config.deprioritized_techs, tech) end end startNextResearch(force, true) end) script.on_event(, function(event) getConfig(event.force) -- triggers initialization of force config end) script.on_event(, onResearchFinished) script.on_event(, gui.onCheckboxClick) script.on_event(, gui.onClick) script.on_event(, function(event) if ~= "auto_research_search_text" then return end gui.updateSearchResult(game.players[event.player_index], event.element.text) end) -- keybinding hooks script.on_event("auto_research_toggle", function(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] gui.toggleGui(player) end) -- Add remote interfaces for enabling/disabling Auto Research remote.add_interface("auto_research", { enabled = function(forcename, value) setAutoResearch(game.forces[forcename], value) end, queued_only = function(forcename, value) setQueuedOnly(game.forces[forcename], value) end, allow_switching = function(forcename, value) setAllowSwitching(game.forces[forcename], value) end, announce_completed = function(forcename, value) setAnnounceCompletedResearch(game.forces[forcename], value) end, deprioritize_infinite_tech = function(forcename, value) setDeprioritizeInfiniteTech(game.forces[forcename], value) end })